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Centralpoint Update 8.11.59

Date of Update: Monday, April 24, 2023  
CpScript ExtTextInputSearchableHtmlA new CpScript is available that will bind text inputs to a plugin that searches text within HTML elements. The behavior mimics the browser's ctrl+F search functionality.
Admin > Global LoginA new Protect Users attribute has been added. It allows you to prevent fields or properties from being overwritten each time the external user authenticates.
Admin > Global Login UsersThis new module shows all external users authenticated via Global Login. It also allows you to create, modify, or delete users. New users will match external users via the Integration Id attribute. Keep in mind that the users' attributes will be overwritten each time they authenticate unless they are protected.
PdfViewer CpScript.msg file extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer.
Script Generator > Script > DataDiffsThe client-side cpDataDiffs.diffHistory property now holds attribute values stored for each record. This property can be accessed and used in the Startup Script's callback functions. For example, changing the option text in the history menu.
Script Generator > Script > File Output (Results Download)A "File Output (Results Download)" script type is now available. This renders a UI that is tied to a "File Output" record. Users will select checkboxes in the results view and those selections are passed to Data Sources which render them in the downloaded template. Please read the attribute header text for instructions when implementing this feature into your site.

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