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Centralpoint Update 8.11.63

Date of Update: Monday, June 26, 2023  
SiteMap ModuleThe following attributes now support CpScripting: Styles, Scripts, StartupScripts
PdfViewer CpScriptWhen using the Watermark feature, two new properties are available to control the Watermark's alignment: WatermarkHorizontalAlignment & WatermarkVerticalAlignment. Please apply and review these options within the script builder help file.
CpScript ColumnSearchCriteriaInValueThis script will now execute in UIs that are generated from AJAX methods. Additionally, a new hasTruncateOverride property is supported. When this is enabled, console admins may define the number of characters that show before and after the first found word that exists in the page's search criteria. If search criteria does not exist or is not found in the value, the "Truncate" value is used to determine the length of the text returned.
Ecommerce > CartInfo > CartDiscountNew property CartDiscount added to calculate the total Cart Discount.

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