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Centralpoint Update 8.4.49

Date of Update: Monday, July 28, 2014  
Feature Summary
FormAudienceProximity CpScript This new script is used to render a record’s related audiences, and the distance to each audience, when the user enters an address or zip code into a form field and executes the search. It was intended to work with the FormAudienceProximityOrderBy CpScript, and requires that individual audiences are selected instead of using 'All Audiences'. This script has been documented in the Scripting help file.
FormAudienceProximityOrderBy CpScript This script is used to sort search results by their related audience distances when the user enters an address or zip code into a form field and executes the search. It was intended for use at the beginning of a Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results View (#2) > Order By attribute, and requires that individual audiences are selected instead of using 'All Audiences'. This script has been documented in the Scripting help file.
MobileNavigation2 CpScript A new IncludeHiddenPages property has been added. When set to 'false' navigation items whose Visible attribute is set to 'No (Hidden Page)' will not be included.
ModulePageOverrides CpControl A new HomeErrorWhenDocExists property has been added. By default Centralpoint displays the Home View (#1) of the module when a URL containing a document identifier (/Audience/SiteMapItem/Document.aspx) is accessed and the Document doesn't exist. When this property is set to 'true' the module will return a 404 error instead which can be handled by the Admin > Error Messages/Redirects module. This property is set to 'false' by default.
Pager CpControl A new "cpsty_PagerCurrentPage" CSS class has been added to the current page link.
URL Rewriter A bug in Centralpoint's URL rewriter as it relates to query string variables has been discovered and repaired. During the URL rewrite the query string variables were being decoded which apparently had very little effect on how they worked until a site was accessed with an encoded ampersand. When it became decoded Centralpoint then treated the ampersand as the end of the query string variable and truncated it at that point. To repair this problem we have updated the URL rewriter to leave the query string variables encoded as it should have in the first place.

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