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Centralpoint Module Gallery

Search Results:  Supports Search within Module (147)

A pivotal aspect of effective digital strategy management involves determining high-interest areas and delivering content to clients in alignment with their preferences. Centralpoint offers the means to shape your content strategy around user inclinations by capturing and reporting almost all aspects of their online interactions with you. This encompasses their prominent searches, highest and lowest user-rated content, posted comments, less-searched topics, searches yielding minimal results—all of which evolve over time.

Leveraging Centralpoint's analytics, you gain insight into user behavior patterns categorized by audience (microsite), keywords, or metadata (Taxonomy) types. We strongly advocate dedicating time to monitor and compare these activities over intervals, enabling you to refine the digital experience for individual users. These reports are customizable and can trigger alerts based on specific user activities. Rules can also be established to dynamically adjust content presentation based on this user-driven activity, automating content delivery according to direct user experiences. For more extensive user data mining, explore Centralpoint's Gamification module.

Centralpoint supports Natural Language Search or NLS. It empower your users to find the right answer to any question faster than any other platform. It does this in part because of Data Transfer and Data Mining, going beyond fully indexing your content, and enriching your metadata, misspellings, buzzwords used in your industry and synonyms of what your users are searching.It will also allow you to feature certain records based on conditions, ahead of search results. 

The Centralpoint Site Wizard empowers you to deploy new stand alone websites (public or private) within your enterprise. The Centralpoint Site Wizard steps you through needed steps to select the appropriate design, and empower administrators over them to contribute content to the enterprise. The site wizard allows you to leverage existing styles to rapidly deploy new sites. These sites become ancestors of the main site (children, grandchildren, etc.) which mean content can be shared between the parent, downstream, and further allows the local administrator to manage content local to that site only.  

The Centralpoint MASTER ENTERPRISE Server is the parent to your entire enteprise. Whether this means a singular portal, or multiple, the Centralpoint master gives you full control to easily deploy and manage your entire enterprise, including the scheduled tasks needed to automate daily maintenance routines. 

The Centralpoint MASTER ENTERPRISE Server is the parent to your entire enteprise. Whether this means a singular portal, or multiple, the Centralpoint master gives you full control to easily deploy and manage your entire enterprise, including the scheduled tasks needed to automate daily maintenance routines. 

The Centralpoint MASTER ENTERPRISE Server is the parent to your entire enteprise. Whether this means a singular portal, or multiple, the Centralpoint master gives you full control to easily deploy and manage your entire enterprise, including the scheduled tasks needed to automate daily maintenance routines. 

The Centralpoint MASTER ENTERPRISE Server is the parent to your entire enteprise. Whether this means a singular portal, or multiple, the Centralpoint master gives you full control to easily deploy and manage your entire enterprise, including the scheduled tasks needed to automate daily maintenance routines. 

Centralpoint Tab and Accordian pages allow you to expand the real estate on your site, giving depth to each page. Tabs and Accordians, allow for the user to quickly navigate to the specific information they are looking at within a singular record, where there might be more 'additional' information. You will often see this effect when present products, wherein the tabs may present Technical Specifications, Shipping Information, or additional photos of this product. Accordian pages can be managed as individual Navigation pages, or be incorporated into your module designer, to be presented with each record. 

Centralpoint supports the presentation of lightboxes, in a variety of different styles. This module is especially helpful when displaying images, videos and other information which users may want to peruse. The lightbox allows for users to view the information in a gallery, which gives them more real estate to view the files (images, videos). 

Centralpoint Search Redirect, allows you to take over the search results, re-directing your user (searching) to the exact record, or landing page you want to take them to. Sometimes the algorithm alone still leaves users sifting through your results, when you need them to arrive at a specific landing page. Centralpoint Search redirect, like all other modules, enables you to target certain users (by role), so that the right user gets returned to the right record every time.

The forms wizard is a tool for non technical users to create robust electronic forms, including the rules over workflow. This wizard walks you through a step by step questionairre, which, when completed, creates dynamic electronic forms, which allow you to triage incoming requests, trigger alerts during workflow, and even render live reporting of all of the activity against that form. 

Gamification refers to a process of making systems, service and activities more enjoyable. Centralpoint Gamification allows for your users to compete to be most active in their communities. Incentives can be provided to your users (whether it be employees, clients, or partners) to get more involved and compete to be the most active participant.

Centralpoint Gamification reporting allows you to see all of your users' activity, and compares one against the other, providing incentive for users to get involved. Gamification commonly employs game design elements which are used in so called non-game contexts in attempts to improve user engagement,organizational productivity, flow, learning, employee recruitment and evaluation, ease of use and usefulness of systems, physical exercise, among others. A review of research on gamification shows that a majority of studies on gamification find positive effects from gamification. However, individual and contextual differences exist.

ADAM Drug Notes is a Centralpoint module that contains all of the ADAM Drug information, including introductions, dosage requirements, and other associated information. This module was developed to import all Drug Notes information for use within your site. This is licensed content and requires an active license from ADAM to use on your site. 

Centralpoint ADAM Multimedia module allows you to leverage ADAM's rich health-care library within your site. ADAM's complete multimedia encyclopedia has been integrated within Centralpoint to allow you to cross-reference all its health-care information on your pages. This allows you to conduct a search and find all ADAM Multimedia Encyclopedia records in your site's results. 

The Centralpoint ADAM Wellness Tools module provides a directory of wellness tools from ADAM Multimedia and allows you to import all of them into Centralpoint for use within your hospital. It allows you to cross-reference any record in your site to the appropriate wellness tool associated with it. This content is licensed by ADAM, and you must maintain an active license in order to use this content within Centralpoint. 

Centralpoint Administrators are the lower-level administrators (beneath the webmaster) that may be in charge of a microsite, a group of microsites within your enterprise, or perhaps only one specific type of content within a singular microsite. This module allows you to empower others within your organization to log in and manage content, specific to certain sites and certain module types, that you give them permission to manage. 

Advertising is supporting content that is placed around the site's primary content. These ads can consist of images, flash, video, html, or ad scripts (provided by ad-serving companies). These ads can be controlled to appear within specific zones or areas of the site, only when certain keywords are searched, and can be filtered to appear for only certain Audiences and particular users based on their logged in Role.

Centralpoint Ad Banners live within Centralpoint Zones for display within your site to the right people, based on what they might search. Advertising modules are often used to show content "around" the site. For example, searching for the keyword "Restaurant" may suggest a particular advertisement for a restaurant (in the search results). However, you may want to only show your logged-in members advertisements, which other non logged-in members would not see. 

Centralpoint Advertising Zones are containers for Centralpoint Advertising Banners. The zones (where the advertisements will appear) can be created and placed anywhere within the site. Then, you may add banners to live within these zones, so as users are navigating certain sections of your site or conduct specific searches, their results may prompt corresponding advertisements. These zones and banners are tracked, so you can review any advertisement's progress over a period of time. 

The Centralpoint Audience Tree tool displays the hierarchy of audiences, or microsites, which live under your Centralpoint Portal. This module displays the Audience Tree, which includes links to the details of each  audience .  The current audience is highlighted, and the corresponding accessible audiences include the "Select" link. By clicking the select link, the current console will filter all data based on the selected audience. 

Centralpoint Audiences are often used as microsites, which live under your main enterprise. This is an N-tiered hierarchy of sites, meaning that you can have children, grandchildren or great grandchildren microsites, and so on. The hierarchy is important, as some microsites may only belong to certain divisions or departments. These do not have to be managed as stand-alone microsites, and may also be used as departmental landing pages within a singular site (with no children microsites). 

The Centralpoint Blog Topics module allows you to control topics by categories where people can share their thoughts and ideas. For example, it is normally a good idea to bring up a topic for discussion as a way to get people talking about it . Then, everyone can begin sharing similar thoughts or ideas relative to that topic. Centralpoint Blog Topics is the way to manage all of your topics in an organized way for others to discuss. 

Bloggers are the authorized blog authors or writers within Centralpoint. They are the ones posting new blog articles to which others may respond. They might be industry experts you invite to write articles for your users, or they might be in-house employees who are thought-leaders. The blogs typically fall under a taxonomy, so that all blog articles may be classified around the type of information they address. 

A pivotal aspect of effective digital strategy management involves determining high-interest areas and delivering content to clients in alignment with their preferences. Centralpoint offers the means to shape your content strategy around user inclinations by capturing and reporting almost all aspects of their online interactions with you. This encompasses their prominent searches, highest and lowest user-rated content, posted comments, less-searched topics, searches yielding minimal results—all of which evolve over time.

Leveraging Centralpoint's analytics, you gain insight into user behavior patterns categorized by audience (microsite), keywords, or metadata (Taxonomy) types. We strongly advocate dedicating time to monitor and compare these activities over intervals, enabling you to refine the digital experience for individual users. These reports are customizable and can trigger alerts based on specific user activities. Rules can also be established to dynamically adjust content presentation based on this user-driven activity, automating content delivery according to direct user experiences. For more extensive user data mining, explore Centralpoint's Gamification module.

The Centralpoint Calendar of Events module provides an intelligent way to manage your events and registration, if any, throughout the year. Centralpoint Calendar of Events allows you to manage recurring events, as well as events that require registration either for FREE or FEE. When events require registration, Centralpoint Calendar of Events also considers total seat count, how to sell out an event, if possible, and payment collection, even how to report the current attendee list to the event host.

Centralpoint Cheer Cards empowers hospitals to enable users to customize and personalize greeting cards, which then can be delivered to patients in the hospital. Cheer cards offer family and friends far away the ability to support loved ones who are being cared for in the hospital. The templates for the greeting cards can differ per client and are easily customized to meet the needs of your design tastes. 

Comments allow for collaboration between individuals only where you choose to allow it. These can also be roles based, allowing only collaboration between like minded individuals. The comments suite allows you to control who may see the comments, and where they may be forwarded in which to first be reviewed.

Leverage your own social media tools to track commentary and collaboration between users. All of Centralpoint's standard modules are designed to collect end-user comments related to the individual data documents. These comments are collected by adding the "comments CpScript," generated by the Comments > Configuration module to the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Details View (#3) layout of the module. 

The Common Scripts module allows you to search ALL of the available Centralpoint Help files and CPScripts (Centralpoint Scripts), which enable you to drop functionality anywhere on your pages. This module is found under the ADMIN tab of your Client Console and allows you to search for help files by category. This module enables you to search for any of the functions within Centralpoint, by module, and includes the steps necessary to customize or alter those scripts to meet your specific needs. 

The Centralpoint Crosswalks tool (typically a script) found within the Module Designer is a great illustration as to why you need a centralized and comprehensive platform to manage your content. Crosswalks provide cross-references to related information within your site, putting all of the information at your fingertips. By leveraging Centralpoint's taxonomy and WYSIWYG object-oriented programming, you are able to automatically suggest and recommend related information for virtually any page you manage. , This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, for easy access.

Centralpoint boasts exceptional Data Transformation tools that automate the aggregation of data from diverse sources. It facilitates both indexing and ingestion of both structured and unstructured data. This encompasses the capability to gather information from a variety of systems (such as SQL, Oracle, IBM, XML, JSON, CSV) as well as files from folders (like PDFs, Word documents, images, videos).

Moreover, these tools offer Data Mining to automatically classify each record and assign the appropriate metadata and Taxonomy upon import. This empowers you to conduct searches and locate records across disparate systems, uncovering relationships that might exist between all records.

Centralpoint's Data Import Utilities is a series of tools designed to prepare for imports. This tool allows you to set global parameters or assumptions when it comes to data imports. Import Utilities is a container for any tools that may aid developers during the import process. It empowers you to centralize information from disparate sources for mash up and delivery to your users.

Centralpoint Data Sources allow you to display dynamic content anywhere you desire on your site. This tool enables you to speak directly to Centralpoint's database (or others) to determine the type of content you want available, creating mobile content. For example, let's say while users are reading a news article, you want to display all related products immediately to the right of the article. This is where a data source comes into play. This deep dive video shows all features of data sources, This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, for easy access.

Centralpoint Data Sources allow you to display dynamic content anywhere you desire on your site. This tool enables you to speak directly to Centralpoint's database (or others) to determine the type of content you want available, creating mobile content. For example, let's say while users are reading a news article, you want to display all related products immediately to the right of the article. This is where a data source comes into play. 

Centralpoint's Database Table Lookup allows you to review any database within Centralpoint to better understand its table structure. This can help you clearly understand any integration, or it can simply demystify how all of the information is stored within Centralpoint. It is helpful to see it from the database perspective, and this utility allows you to do just that., This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, for easy access.

Centralpoint Design Styles allow you to maintain your website styles, classified by Audience and Role, to render distinctly designed websites. These styles primarily relate to colors, fonts, images, and other design elements. The global attributes are always available, but the majority of this module's attributes are controlled by the Site Type. Centralpoint styles support your own CSS, but allow you to manage all of your CSS in a way that can be re-used on your other websites., This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, for easy access.

The Centralpoint Media Manager module is designed to streamline how organizations update and maintain their assets, and then make the newest versions available for download, on request, fresh out of the oven.  Centralpoint's Digital assets Media module enables you to manage your assets separately from your documents, and even allows you to manage your elements of your documents (paragraphs or key values) so that the singular record assembled, may differ between multiple end users. 

Content is a living breathing organism, and the goal is to serve the most users, using the least amount of content; so that any request they make, assembles the needed output on demand. 

The Centralpoint Document Icons module allows you to control which icons (images) appear when certain types of documents are searched. It is used to manage a list of document icons that are placed using Centralpoint  Scripting . Simply enter the file extension in the "Extension" attribute and upload the corresponding icon (A default icon will be used if a corresponding record cannot be found.). For example, if you would like to show an icon for a PDF, Word, or Excel document in the results view, this allows you to control which icons are used in that display. 

The Centralpoint Document Management module is designed to streamline how organizations update and maintain their documents, and then make the newest versions available for download.   Centralpoint's Document Management module is a two-module suite that allows administrators to manage text and documents -- and the versions of those documents.  The major functions of these modules are: The ability to transform text fields into PDF documents 

Centralpoint's Dynamic Navigation empowers you to manage any style of navigation you desire (whether vertical, horizontal or both) within your site. This module is often used to design your site's main navigation, but it may also be re-used for your microsite's navigation -- or perhaps even your dynamic site map. This module is used to design a DHTML menu that displays items from the Site Architecture > Navigation module. 

This module allows you to consume external RSS feeds, so that you may repurpose them and present them on your Centralpoint website. Not only can you manage the CSS to control how the RSS feeds will appear, but you can also control how many records are displayed, as well as whether or not cache is used.

Centralpoint's Dynamic Script Generator empowers you to retrieve data from any module and then format it as a CpScript to be placed anywhere on your site. For example, if you want to greet users on your homepage with the Top Five news articles, Top Three events, and the featured employee of the month, the Dynamic Script Generator will allow you to create three mobile scripts, which you may then place wherever you desire on the homepage. 

Centralpoint's Dynamic Scripts module allows you to retrieve data from any module and then format it as a CpScript to be placed anywhere on your site. For example, if you want to feature the Top Five news articles and Top Four events on your homepage (in descending order), the Dynamic Scripts tool empowers you to create individual scripts for each, and then place them anywhere on your homepage. You can control the record count, sort order, CSS, and anything you need to easily create dynamically serving ..., This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, for easy access.

Centralpoint's Dynamic Tab display empowers you to create Tabbed View content to maximize your real estate on your site. The Tab Views (each tab) can contain dynamic scripts, so that you may show the latest news, events, etc., within each tab when it is clicked. This module takes advantage of rich style sheets, and can be managed in both iframe and JQuery versions for visual effects. These style sheets can be completely customized within the CSS style attribute and Scripts. This module allows you to easily create Dynamic Tabs, or even Dynamic 'Accordian pages' 

All content modules within Centralpoint can be e-commerce enabled. This means that if you wish to sell anything -- a record, a video, or an online course -- you can. Of course you can manage a product catalog where users can shop, add items to their cart, and check out, but you may want to make records e-commerce enabled you never before thought possible. You may wish to sell one report amongst hundreds of others that might be free. In this way, you determine what is sold and at what price. Any module can be ecoomerce 'enabled'. When a module is enabled, each record added, has an additional E-Commerce tab, to control such things as price, image, dim weight...allowing you to sell any record in your site (from a document, video, to a product). When a record is ecommerce enabled, and has a price (for purchase) it will automatically appear in the search results, and the record view, complete with an ADD TO CART feature.

Centralpoint's E-commerce Addresses enable your e-commerce customers to store their addresses on your site. In this way, when they revisit your site, they can easily select their shipping addresses for added convenience. The address selected will work against the Shipping Option (figuring in DIM weight of the products purchased) to determine exact shipping charges per user and per order.

Centralpoint's E-commerce Cart Configuration generates "shopping carts" for managing user orders. The cart module is designed to create an invisible repository for both open and closed orders, and it controls how the cart looks and behaves.  All standard modules are designed to support e-commerce by simply enabling it using the modules properties. Enabling e-commerce adds the E-commerce Tab to the module and allows you to begin setting up the values required for it to operate. 

Centralpoint E-commerce Discounts and coupon codes empower you to manage and apply discounts to e-commerce orders. You may want to offer a certain percentage off of some products for a period of time. You also may want users to enter a promotional code, which might entitle them to discounts. The Centralpoint E-commerce Discounts module allows you to offer e-commerce clients as many discounts as you desire.

Centralpoint E-commerce Merchant Manager enables you to determine which vendors will process your credit-card orders. Centralpoint has already integrated with many vendors in this space, including WorldPay, Virtual Merchant, PSN, PayPal, PayFlowPro, Authorize.NET, and Bank of America, among others. This allows you to work with the vendor who can give you the best-possible rate to process your credit-card orders. 

Centralpoint E-commerce Sales Tax Manager allows you to manage sales tax rates based on the region in which you do business. Because these rates typically change, the Sales Tax Manager ensures you are always collecting the appropriate rate of tax, by state, if applicable. This tool also can be modified to collect against Provinces, cities, VAT taxes, etc., in the case of an international e-commerce site.

Centralpoint's E-commerce Shipping Manager allows you to choose which shipping carriers will deliver your e-commerce clients' products. You can determine carriers based on information, such as handling fees and miscellaneous charges. Your e-commerce clients will be able to choose from these options during their checkout process.

Centralpoint's Education Configuration module empowers you to set up as many administrators as you desire to process incoming tests. This module gives you control over who should review incoming tests and what the certificates will look like. It even gives you control over whether or not these tests are taken within a certain time limit and/or how many times they may be retaken. The Education Configuration module creates the setup for particular courses. After one is set up, courses can be linked to them. he only real competitive differentiator today is whether or not an organization can learn faster than their competition. Education is more than just tests and compliance. It is a culture which Centralpoint can help implement and be embraced by your users.

Centralpoint Education Questions offer you control over the questions that comprise your online courses. Questions in this module can be automatically graded (if multiple choice) or manually graded (if essay answers are required). The Centralpoint Courses are made up of any number of questions. The user can select their course, read the content associated with it (or perhaps watch a video), and then take the test. The only real competitive differentiator today is whether or not an organization can learn faster than their competition. Education is more than just tests and compliance. It is a culture which Centralpoint can help implement and be embraced by your users.

Centralpoint Education Reports collect all of the information about your users and their test results, including: who took the test, what time they took the test, what answers were provided, and whether they passed or failed. The only real competitive differentiator today is whether or not an organization can learn faster than their competition. Education is more than just tests and compliance. It is a culture which Centralpoint can help implement and be embraced by your users.

Centralpoint's Email Broadcast Reporting allows you to gain deep insight into the success of your email campaigns. Centralpoint can push out personalized messages to each of your users and then track who opened them and who read them. You might be sending your email broadcast out for the benefit of an advertiser, sponsor, or as a way to survey your users. In this way, your campaigns can provide detailed reporting so you can analyze them to determine whether or not your message was successful. 

Centralpoint's Email Broadcasting & Alerts allow you to push out email- and text-based alerts to your users in a personalized manner. Centralpoint is unique as a CMS because it has an integrated email broadcasting engine. It is capable of sending out personalized emails, contingent upon when your content actually changes. Its intelligent integration between content rules and the users who receive them result in less work for you in maintaining both your website AND your email lists. 

Error Reporting is managed in two locations, first within the Client Console of each individual Centralpoint Portal and also at the Uber Console, by Oxcyon. 

Centralpoint's FitBit (and any wearable device integration) allows you to provide incentives for a healthier team. Centralpoint Fitbit integration allows for remote tracking of your staff to monitor such things as Geo positioning, Sleep patterns, Heart Rate, Workouts. This data can be incorporated into Centralpoint's Gamification tools in order to track and incent your team to become the healthiest member.

Centralpoint Forms Management empowers you to create any web-based form you need and then routes the request through custom workflows (depending on the form) and integrates it (including its approvals) with your back office. Forms encompass everything from e-commerce transactions to day-off requests to posting a web page -- each with its own unique workflow. Centralpoint Forms Management allows you to triage ALL incoming communication to your organization, route it for appropriate workflow, integrate it...

Centralpoint Forms to Documents (or Web to Print) empowers you to create any web-based form you need filtering the data submitted through a TEMPLATE, (Doc, PPT, Excel), which then outputs a standardized templated output document (doc, pdf, ppt, xls) to parse all incoming requests into recorded documents. This approach to document creation guarantees that the verbiage of the agreement or template, always be kept up to date. These actions can also carry custom workflow (depending on the form) and integrates it (including its approvals) with your back office. Forms encompass everything from e-commerce transactions to day-off requests to posting a web page -- each with its own unique workflow. Centralpoint Forms Management allows you to triage ALL incoming communication to your organization, route it for appropriate workflow, integrate it...

Centralpoint's Cross-Forest Single Sign-On (SSO) extends support to various authentication methods, including AD (Active Directory), ADS, LDAP, LDAPS, SAML 2.0 (Okta, Ping, Symantec), Windows Authentication, oAuth, and Open ID (Twitter, Salesforce, Google, Facebook), all available right out of the box. This comprehensive support ensures secure authentication for all your diverse users—employees, partners, customers—from a central and unified point. This feature operates as a secure hub, enabling the secure distribution of information and data collection from each user. User activities, including traffic, form submissions, and requests, can be seamlessly integrated into your multitude of back-office systems via our Web API.

Centralpoint's Health Logs provide your users with tools to track their progress over time. Whether they are tracking their calories, their blood sugar, or their travel expenses on a monthly basis, Health Logs enables them to easily record and monitor their progress. This highly versatile set of reports allows you to set up logs for anyone to chart data at any time. Logs, which can be set up to track data daily, weekly, quarterly, or annually, offer robust line charts based on the information submitted.  Centralpoint has also been integrated to work with FitBit and/or wear able devices, so that the health data can be aggregated securely, given opt in consent by the members.

Centralpoint's Healthday News leverages the rich content from Healthday into your site. Using our scheduled data transfer utilities, Healthday active subscribers can import daily news stories into their site by category (or, in Centralpoint terms, Taxonomy). In this way, the imported news articles keep your site up to date with fresh, relevant content. By importing news from Healthday, you can now crosswalk Healthday news with other pages in your site. 

Centralpoint's Global Login is a Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content. Not only can you manage each user's roles, but you can also manage their entire design and layout experience, based on the role of the user logging in. When a user logs into the site's front end, this module is queried for live records and authentication is attempted using the entered username and password. 

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint supports full integration with CWC Quickfill or Qfie, a popular circulation/member database for publishers. The website login is equipped to handle multiple internal and external authentication sources (global logins). These authentication sources only work with the website; they are not utilized in console logins. When a user logs into the site's front end, this module is queried for live records and authentication is attempted using the entered username and password. 

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint integrates with Salesforce users to welcome -- and authenticate -- them to your website. The website login has been equipped to handle multiple internal and external authentication sources (global logins). These authentication sources only work with the website; they are not utilized in console logins. When a user logs into the site's front end, this module is queried for live records and authentication is attempted using the entered username and password.

This is managed via Centralpoint's Global Login module which supports oAuth integration (out of the box). The scopes which you wish to glean about that user (upon login) are up to you, and the depth of how many scopes your users may wish to share is their election when logging in. You will find the Global Login module, under the Admin section of your Client Console. 

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, SAML 2.0, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint's Global Login is a (Cross Forest) Single Sign-On tool that allows you to welcome each user in a unique way and grant them control over only certain types of content.  This allows you to authenticate each user to determine their roles, granting the right access to the right records, including the right Audience (landing page or design). Global Login allows you to welcome each user, yet return them to the appropriate channel within your site. Since every record in Centralpoint supports roles based filtering, this means everything from the design, to the navigation, to the records they can access are all managed automatically after they log in. 

Oxcyon stresses 'Cross Forest' Single Sign On, as your users could be employees, customers, partners, affiliates, or even outsiders. Centralpoint's Global Login supports authentication with Active Directory, LDAP, LDAP-S, oAuth (Google, Twitter, Facebook), Salesforce, or even custom databases you may use to authenticate (IBM or Oracle). Upon each user's log in, Centralpoint will check any and all authentication sources to determine their role(s). A user may have only one role, or may have multiple roles, within multiple channels, allowing them access to many channels within your enterprise, or may even give them the option of where they want to go. 

Centralpoint's Global Login also supports a new dimension in authentication known as Dynamic Roles. Here you may create very specific conditions beyond that of simple roles assignment. Example: Role may equal customer, but dynamic roles allows you to define any other criteria (like last year's sales >50K, or Gender=Male, or State=Ohio). Dynamic roles empowers you to narrowcast each record you manage to reach only the specific roles you need; which we believe is the pinnacle of highly personalized content. 

Centralpoint additionally supports it's own Members Module, should you need to authenticate with users found in this module. Although many clients may use the Members module for all of their many members (even across multiple roles), the Centralpoint Members module may be used for public users who wish to sign up for enewsletters, or save their preferences when returning to the site. Centralpoint's Global Login module is perhaps the most powerful SSO tool in the market today.

Centralpoint's IP Management blocks or automatically authenticates users based on their IP addresses. The "IP Address/Range" attribute is a string comprised of four parts, separated by dots(.). Each part can be either a single byte (1-255), a star (*), or a byte range (x-y). A star is shorthand for the byte range, 1-255. The "Action" attribute allows you to input directions to dictate events when a user in the given IP range accesses the site. If "Block" is selected, the user will be blocked from accessing the site at all. Conversely you can give authentication access to users, based on their IP Address range. This tool can be found under the ADMIN section within the Client Console

Centralpoint's Keyword Lists allow you to manage global keywords that are often reused, such as a list of states or counties in your area. For example, perhaps you want to make common reference to a list of zip codes, or county tax codes. This would not be an example of Taxonomy, which deals more with classification structure. Instead, this is what we call a keyword list. Lists of keywords are used to populate selector controls. The Keyword Lists module allows the creation, deletion, and modification of...

Centralpoint Staywell Content easily integrates your entire Staywell library into your Centralpoint site. In this way, you may search, index, and relate this content to everything in your site, relative to its subtopic and taxonomy type. Contact us today so we can show you how easy it is to properly integrate your Staywell content into your Centralpoint portal. The modules in this suite are designed to integrate collections and content retrieved from the  Krames StayWell API . 

Centralpoint Staywell Setup is a relatively new module designed to manage the complexities of the Staywell content library and its cascading topics and subtopics. Prior to this setup module, integrating Staywell was a daunting task due to the high-quality, in-depth taxonomy of its rich healthcare library. The Centralpoint Staywell Setup module maps your licensed content into your Centralpoint portal, so now you can easily render your pages and begin relating Staywell content to everything within your site.

Centralpoint's Staywell Subtopics allow you to recreate navigation items in your site to mirror the many subtopics available within Staywell's vast library. Let us set this up for you prior to your purchase, so you can see just how easy it is to manage your Staywell content within your Centralpoint site. The modules in this suite are designed to integrate collections and content retrieved from the  Krames StayWell API . 

Centralpoint empowers you to build a culture of learning. Course curriculum can serve each user based upon their role(s) and audience(s). Centralpoint will show each user which tests have been completed, which ones are still outstanding and where they rank in the ecosystem of knowledge users via our Gamification tools. 

Centralpoint's Marketing & Digital Assets provide self-service portals for manufacturers to service their dealers and consumers. Centralpoint's Dealer Extranet or DAM (Digital Asset Manager) solutions empower manufacturers to serve dealers and distributors with the latest marketing and product information. It further allows for enhanced communication by offering tools for dealer incentives, order entry, and reporting. Centralpoint represents an ecosystem for the manufacturer (or source) to communicate with their distributors privately, including pubic sites for those distributors to reach consumers....something we call B2B2C, more importantly, is the return trip of information from the consumer, to the dealer and back to the manfacturer; C2B2B (Otherwise known as the User Experience).

This full circle solution allows for everything to be tracked from logo usage, to how many sales were obtained through which dealer and which region. 

Centralpoint's Marketplace Administrators module enables you to establish the administrator of any listing within your Marketplace Directory. That administrator may log in and update company or product information that he/she may have listed in the directory. Centralpoint's Marketplace is a comprehensive directory that tracks vendors and the products or services they provide. 

Centralpoint's Marketplace Comparison tools empower you to set up rich comparison criteria for various types of products. For example, Centralpoint comparison tools can allow you to determine which fields should be used to compare bulldozers (weight capacity, lift capacity, wheelbase) and which fields should be used to compare toothbrushes (bristle density, length of toothbrush, adult or child). In this way, your directory can be populated with pertinent information that your users can use to compare specific and technical features of only certain types of records at a time. 

Centralpoint's Marketplace Coupons offer those who list their company, products, or services in your directory the ability to manage coupons. Users can print out these coupons to apply to purchases for additional savings.   Centralpoint's Marketplace is a comprehensive directory that tracks vendors and the products or services they provide. This directory enables users to search by company, product or service, and then determine which vendors meet their specific needs. 

Centralpoint's Marketplace Leads track all incoming requests (between users and vendors). In this way, you can see all communication and activity happening between (potential) buyers and sellers -- thereby justifying the value of your listing in the directory.  Centralpoint's Marketplace is a comprehensive directory that tracks vendors and the products or services they provide. This directory enables users to search by company, product or service, and then determine which vendors meet their specific...

Centralpoint's Marketplace Packages allow you to group specific advertising options for vendors into one package. Your vendors may select these advertising options when signing up for a listing in your Centralpoint Marketplace Directory. For example, you may elect to offer three different advertising packages: Platinum, Gold or Silver. These packages may all differ in cost and advertising options. 

Centralpoint Media Files allow you to upload a zip file containing multiple images to your website. Too often clients have an abundance of images to upload -- from company meetings to company parties -- and want a slideshow to display them online. This module enables you to do just that. You can zip up all of your photos and then upload them under one title, such as "company holiday party." From there, you can place your script wherever you desire on your website and the images will play within a slides...

Centralpoint's Media Manager module is designed to maintain all image, document, and media file-based resources used in Centralpoint data documents. There are three ways to access the Media Manager module: Console navigation, file upload, or the RTF editor resource manager link. Resources selected using the RTF editor and file upload are tracked. In this way, they cannot be deleted unless there are no references to the resource in the website data. Centralpoint Media Manager is your Digital Asset Management repository, whereas all other records in the site 'can' relate to these intelligently managed resources. You also have the option not to (on a record by record basis), but we encourage clients to reference the 'source of truth' record, so if you need to update it in the future, it will update all other assets which reference or contain it. Centralpoint Media Manager is your Digital Asset Management solution (harmonized with the content you need to manage for your users)

Centralpoint Member Profiles control a user's preferences while they are logged in to Centralpoint. Remember, Centralpoint can log users in against its own member database, or against LDAP, AD, or other sources. Since our system can log users in from virtually any source, users can sign up for various items while browsing the Centralpoint site. For example, if a user logs in through LDAP, AD, or Facebook and wishes to sign up for weekly newsletters, text alerts, or one-click ordering. Centralpoint member profiles allows for specific user preference information to be stored, and empowers you to deliver one on one updates to others, based on their choices (like Google Alerts)

The Centralpoint Members module is the container in which we store registered users' information and personalized interests. Though Centralpoint supports authentication with other systems, including LDAP/AD, we still believe the Members module is necessary. Think about this: There are several different members to your site. Take for instance existing clients. You may want to authenticate existing clients with your client database through Global Login. But what about prospective clients? Here Centralpoint Members can be used for the 'not yet a full bonafide member' status (like on boarding a new employee 'candidate'. Once they are made an employee (for an example), we would later authenticate them through AD.

Centralpoint provides Module Configuration tools for each of the content-based modules. These tools allow you to alter the configuration of existing modules, empowering you to create new fields required by your project. To access the module configuration, go to your module within the Client Console and, in the top right corner, select Module Options, then Module Configuration. Here you can determine which fields remain, are deleted, and which ones are hidden from view. 

Centralpoint's Module Defaults allow you to set the default values for any module. For example, you may want each new content record to have all of the fields pre-populated for your users. Perhaps in the title field, you want it to read, "Put Your Title Here." Additionally, you may want to ensure that all news-like content provides users with a predefined template to use within the RTF editor. 

Say good-bye to contacting your local web vendor to make changes to your site. Centralpoint's Module Designer puts the power of layout and functionality in your hands. Non-technologists can now easily change design and functionality of your site, along with the modules that serve it. Module Designer empowers larger enterprise-class clients (those clients who support many microsites) to centralize their content, yet provide autonomy for their different sites.

Centralpoint's Module Properties enable you to customize and configure your module. Properties can include setting the right taxonomy for your module, the option to track activity or set up e-commerce, as well as whether to include the module in your global site search. Module Properties empower you to configure your module the way you desire -- down to the details of how records will appear within the query string.

Properly classifying data involves a multi-tiered ontology. This hierarchy comprises various levels, each defining the data's nature and context. Simultaneously, data is classified based on intended audiences or departments, tailoring content relevance. Adding another layer, data classification is influenced by security roles, ensuring access control.

Imagine this as a three-dimensional matrix of classification: the first axis delineates the data's core ontology, dissecting it into intricate facets. The second axis bifurcates data for diverse audiences or departments, aligning content with their specific needs. Lastly, the third axis encompasses data classification based on security roles, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access.

In practice, this means each record is meticulously tagged with metadata, departmental relevance, and security clearance. This layered approach orchestrates a finely tuned orchestration of data, culminating in a harmonious symphony of contextualized, relevant, and secured information delivery.

Another way to describe this MphC (or Multi Polyhiearchical Classification) would be "Multi-Dimensional Hierarchical Classification" or "Nested Hierarchical Classification" which refers to a classification structure that combines multiple levels or dimensions of hierarchies in different dimensions, creating a complex and multidimensional classification structure. Specifically within Centralpoint these three separate dimensions involve metadata, audience or departmental assignment and then security roles. Each of these selectors offers its own N-tiered, tree view of options allowing for all centralized information to cascade and reach each user, by audience, department, and security roles. Should one use belong 

Another way to describe this classification structure could be "Multi-Dimensional Hierarchical Classification" or "Nested Hierarchical Classification." These terms highlight the idea that the classification system involves multiple layers of hierarchies that are interconnected and nested within each other. This conveys the complexity and depth of the classification approach you're describing.

This results in a multi-tiered approach to managing your knowledge. It empowers you to distribute your information in a very granular way, to anyone (employees, clients, partners) from a singular, central point. Given that each multi selector is parental, this means that they are polyhierarchical (meaning more than tree, rather it considers the forest). Also, given that we employ three different (multi) selectors, it becomes Multi-Poly-Hierarchical. We didn't invent the term, it is simply what is called. The reason you may not have heard it before, is because we are the only vendor in the world to employ this architecture (fully, and to this level). It is also the only way that you will ever successfully centralize information within your organization, and with out it, will have to depend on multiple technology to simulate it.

Centralpoint's My Logs provide your users with tools to track their progress over time. Whether they are tracking their calories, their blood sugar, or their travel expenses on a monthly basis, My Logs enables them to easily record and monitor their progress. This highly versatile set of reports allows you to set up logs for anyone to chart data at any time. Logs, which can be set up to track data daily, weekly, quarterly, or annually, offer robust line charts based on the information submitted. 

Centralpoint Dashboard Widgets (found under Members)  allow for a personalized portal view for any user, empowering them to configure what data they see from your back office, in a composite (My Portal View). In this way, they can configure what information is important to them, and upon revisiting the portal, they will be shown the latest information that they have selected. These widgets often include Web Services, Data Sources, RSS feeds, and dynamic content feeds (that the user selects) as being important to them.....making it a personalized experience. 

Centralpoint's Navigation is an important and essential building block of your enterprise. The Navigation module allows for the creation, deletion, and modification of navigation items, which will be used to render the website navigation. These navigation items can be classified by Audience and Role to create distinct website navigations. The "Parent Item" attribute is used to build a hierarchy of your navigation items. 

Centralpoint's News module allows your organization to exercise complete control over every type of news content you may offer. For instance, you might want to deliver news strictly to clients, or send information only to employees. You may distribute a press release externally announcing a new partner, or internally about an employee's condition. Centralpoint empowers you to manage your news with a 360-degree view. This module enables you to classify your news by audience type, taxonomy, and by your user communities.

Centralpoint supports Object Oriented Programming to make designing your site as easy as Paint By Numbers. Objects mean that you can layout your site's design anyway that you want, and even lay it out uniquely for certain types of users when they log in.  Centralpoint's object oriented programming make it easy to manage your site's design, but also many other designers, for your departments, clients, and even mobile versions.

Centralpoint Forms Management empowers you to create any web-based form you need (including online bill pay) and then routes the request through custom workflows (depending on the form) and integrates it (including its approvals) with your back office. Forms encompass everything from e-commerce transactions to day-off requests to posting a web page -- each with its own unique workflow. Centralpoint Forms Management allows you to triage ALL incoming communication to your organization, route it for approval (optional) and process the credit card securely against any third payment processing service (or bank) you use. Centralpoint currently integrates with over 62 leading online payment gateways like PayPal, Authorize.NET, Bank of America, and many more. 

Centralpoint Forms Management empowers you to create any web-based form you need (including online donations) and then routes the request through custom workflows (depending on the form) and integrates it (including its approvals) with your back office. Forms encompass everything from e-commerce transactions to day-off requests to posting a web page -- each with its own unique workflow. Centralpoint Forms Management allows you to triage ALL incoming communication to your organization, route it for approval and securely process the credit card with your bank or payment gateway (like PayPal, Authorize.Net, Bank of America, etc.). Centralpoint currently integrates with over 62 leading payment gateways and/or banks. 

Centralpoint Online Donations, also empowers you to support tithing, or recurring pledges that users want to make. Example: A monthly pledge of $20 (or annual amount of $2,400), will allow these donations to be processed, at the frequency selected by the user), and renew based on the length of their tithing or donation commitment. 

Centralpoint's Digital Experience Platform serves as an omnichannel Knowledge Management and content management ecosystem. This universal platform caters to organizations of all sizes and industries. It streamlines information flow from your business through distributors to end users (B2B2C), and reciprocally tracks user actions (C2B2B). It's a groundbreaking User Experience Platform causing a major shift in enterprise content management and portal domains. Discover more about our innovative approach that reinvents the wheel.

Creating an organizational chart showcasing all enterprise audiences is effortless. Simply generate a new record within your Client Console's Admin section. This tool provides three jQuery views: Centralpoint Wheel (Traditional), Centralpoint Sunburst Wheel (latest version), and Treeview. Selecting a view alters its rendering. Once the record is created, clicking the View link displays your visual enterprise mind map. Place this link anywhere on your site to offer users an insightful perspective.