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Centralpoint Update 8.6.11

Date of Update: Tuesday, March 15, 2016  
Feature Summary
NavigationSectionMenu CpScript This new script will generate a drop down list of navigation items. It includes the parent of the current page if one exists, and the children if they exists. If the current page has no children it displays the siblings instead.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - Z A new Use Alternative Url Attribute Only When Populated module property has been added. When the Alternative Url Attribute module property contains a value and this new module property is set to Yes the Alternative URL attribute will only be overwritten when the source attribute contains a non-empty value. When set to No the Alternative URL attribute will get any value in the source attribute including an empty string.
ExtPhotoFlipFromMetadata CpScripting This new script will read metadata from a JPG file and if the orientation property is set to 6 it will rotate the image 90 degrees. This script should only be used when uploading images in an incorrect orientation is unavoidable. It is a better practice to correct the orientation of your images before uploading them.
Form Wizard An issue was addressed where tooltips were causing the page to not be able to scroll in Chrome.
FormListBox CpScript The filter parameter now supports a value like filter='cpsys_SystemFilter AND (AutoNumber = 1)'. Previously, you could either use a system filter or a custom filter, but now you can follow the system filter with a custom filter. Be careful not to OR a custom filter after a system filter. This will essentially invalidate the system filter when the custom filter is valid.
CpScripting > ModuleDragAccordionSearch This new script was created as an alternative to the ModuleDragAccordion script that works with more records. It provides a similar functionality that uses a search to find records instead of displaying them all under tiered navigation.
ResourceDragAccordionSearch CpScript This new script was created as an alternative to the ResourceDragAccordion script that works with more records. It provides a similar functionality that uses a search to find records instead of displaying them all under tiered navigation.
DashboardModule CpScript A new SystemFilterOptions parameter has been added so that you can control which system filters to include.
Members & Site Architecture > Administrators The Accessible AudienceId attribute has been added to the 'In' drop down on the grid view to make it searchable. This option searches this attribute only and will not find users with audiences that are accessible via shared Roles. A 'More Actions...' drop down has also been added to the grid view for Ancestor (Master) Admins only with a new option to 'View/Restore Deleted Users'. When a user is deleted from either of these modules it is flagged as deleted, but it is not actually deleted. This is done to prevent the inadvertent deletion of the history related to users. This new action will allow you to either completely delete users along with their history, or restore a previously deleted user.
Design > Data Sources When Formatting > Formatting Options = 'Paged Data List' a new Add Hash Tags attribute appears. When set to Yes the pager will update the URL in the browser to include #page which results in the inclusion of each click in the browser's navigation history. This allows users to use the browsers back and forward buttons to navigate through page clicks.

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