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Centralpoint Update 8.0.42

Date of Update: Monday, August 16, 2010  
  • A new CpScript called TaxonomyNavigation has been created to generate an n-tiered taxonomy navigation with document counts at each tier. This script has been documented in the client console Scripting help file.
  • The Module Defaults implementation of the Audiences attribute in audience consoles has been modified. Previously, when logged into an audience console, the Audiences attribute ignored the module defaults and always selected the main and current audiences for new records. It now utilizes the values selected in the Module Defaults, but will add the main and current audiences if they are not included. When “All Audiences” is selected in the module defaults the audience consoles still replace it with the main and current audiences.
  • A bug in the Forms > Dashboard Modules module that prevented the module grid view from being sorted by Title has been repaired.
  • URL validation in the consoles has been updated to permit the pipe (|) character in query strings.
  • All taxonomy selectors, including the front end of the site and the client console, are now sorted by the Order attribute of the Taxonomy before being sorted alphabetically.
  • The proximity search has been updated to prevent an error that occurred when the generated min/max longitude/latitude was not a number.
  • The "View more comments…" link provided by the Comments cp:control has been updated to include the audience system name in the “aud” query string variable. This prevents an error that can occur when this link is clicked in a document that is not accessible in the Main audience.
  • The CpScript Web Control utilized by the module designer has been updated to prevent it from rendering opening and closing <span> tags that were breaking the display of CpScripts included in URLs. It is possible that this change causes minor display changes for CpScripts entered via the module designer, but will make them display in the same manner as they would if they were included in any other module.
  • The sync process now excludes a folder called Custom within the Console and Console/App_Code directories. This provides the ability to create custom console pages and class libraries within one site. These folders and their files will not be sync’d or deleted by the sync.
  • Missing references to CpContent.InsertCache have been located and added.
  • A bug that caused search results to appear out of order when Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Enable Ratings was set to “Yes” has been repaired.
  • A new Separator Image attribute has been added to each of the Static, Dynamic, and Level tabs of the Design > Dynamic Navigation module. This attribute allows you to upload an image that will be placed between items, but will not be added before the first or after the last item.
  • A new CSS Class called ‘cpsty_SiteSearchTableContainer’ has been applied to the table that makes up the web site search results.
  • A new Admin > Global Login > Source has been added for the QuickFill authentication integration.
  • The LoginUserName CpScript supports a new property called DisplayNameType that supports the values FullName and Username.
  • A new CpScript called HtmlLabel has been developed to display a value without creating a form state field.
  • The Development > All Modules module’s Change Attributes view has been updated to support an option to prevent the creation of historical versions for faster updates.
  • A new CpScript called DataSourceExportButton has been developed to create export buttons in data sources. It supports all of the features of the Report Builder exports.

See Full History of All Updates