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Future Enhancements

Oxcyon's development labs are always hard at work developing new modules, features and functions to improve Centralpoint. Many of these ideas come from our clients, which is why we call it our VOC, or Voice of Customer. Other ideas come from our long range study of big data, and what it means for everyone. Oxcyon has been a leader in enterprise content management and knowledge management for over 17 years, and we are constantly surprised at how much we are still learning. It is fair to say we learn more now than we ever had, and are proud to share our future development efforts with you from our labs. 

To see all of our past releases click here. For a narrated video giving you a tour of the notable updates within the past year, click here.

MAIL- Integration with Exchange Calendar

Integration with Microsoft Exchange Calendar

Tue, Jul 9, 2024

Conditional Alerts

Broadcasts currently allows for scheduled Email or Text based alerts to various audiences and/or roles. This allows you to distribute scheduled (dynamic) newsletters, and alerts to your members (clients, employees, others), and maintain as many email broadcast campaigns as you need (complete with click through reporting for each). One of the new 'Scheduled' features we will be exploring is to go beyond time based scheduling (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly), introducing a new Scheduled type, known as 'Conditional'. In this scenario, you will be able to Schedule your broadcast when (X<=>Y), meaning that these alerts will be triggered based on any conditions found within Centralpoint or within other systems altogether. (Example: Imagine scheduling an alert, when employees are approaching their anniversary date (from being hired). A report like this would alert you of which employees need to re-sign their employment contract (for an example).  

Wed, Jul 10, 2024

WYSIWYG Web Services Designer

This tool is intended to work very much like Module Designer does today, but grant object oriented, design control over web services found in the Web API. In this way, the UI (User Interface) can leverage the re-usable objects within Centralpoint, but extend beyond traditional .net webpages. Like Module Designer, the Home, Results and Details view of any web service can be managed within the Centralpoint architecture.

Thu, Aug 1, 2024

Integration with Chat GPT

Centralpoint's curated knowledge base offers a robust, roles based search. It also offers a chatbot extension via Interstitials. This will be researched to see if this can be extended via the Open AI, Chat GPT extension, allowing for more conversational queries against records indexed, ingested and enriched via Centralpoint Data Transformation. Oxcyon development will be exploring whether the Chat GPT integration can offer a better chatbot experience that the existing Interstitial.

Thu, Aug 15, 2024

Centralpoint Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Centralpoint Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide access to open web technologies, to provide cross-platform interoperability. PWAs provide your users with an app-like experience that's customized for their devices. PWAs are websites that are progressively enhanced to function like installed, native apps on supporting platforms, while functioning like regular websites on other browsers. Centralpoint PWA is 100% CORE, and utilizes the most up date features and benefits that Microsoft CORE has to offer.
The qualities of a PWA combine the best of the web and compiled apps. PWAs run in browsers, like websites. But PWAs also have access to app features; for example:

A PWA can still work when the device is offline.
PWAs can be installed on the operating system.
PWAs support push notifications and periodic updates.
PWAs can access hardware features.

When installed, PWAs are just like other apps on Windows. For example:

A PWA can be added to the Start menu.
A PWA can be pinned to the Taskbar.
PWAs can handle files.
PWAs can run when the user signs in.
PWAs can be submitted to the Microsoft Store where millions of Windows users can discover and easily install them alongside other Windows apps.
PWAs have the same reach as websites:

PWAs can be indexed by search engines.
A PWA can be linked to.
A PWA can work on all devices, from a single codebase.
PWAs have a much lower cross-platform development cost than compiled apps that require a specific codebase for each platform, such as a separate codebase for Android, for iOS, and for each desktop operating system.

Tue, Oct 1, 2024

MDM - Visual Report

This is planned as a Angular visual map of the enterprise, including all scheduled data transfers (reflecting all data moving in and out of the enterprise). This mind map will also act as the primary interface in which to initiate new instances of data imports, scheduled tasks (outbound email alerts), and or web services (either consuming data from other systems, or showing other systems consuming information from Centralpoint). This UI interface will act as a live 'traffic management' map, and include any Syndicated data feeds being consumed by outside systems. In this way, the entire ACL or Access Control List of your users, roles, and accessible content types will be seen in one location. Additionally, your data cleaning rules, and/or all scheduled data transfers or API (in or out of Centralpoint) will be able to be viewed in real time, including the next scheduled routines for each.

Fri, Nov 15, 2024

Centralpoint CORE

Centralpoint CORE has been under development as a site option within the Centralpoint server and framework. So, to that end CORE is supported. The effort to provide a parallel root directory under Centralpoint for CORE users will be completed by June 2023, but is already evident with the the Progressive Web Applications, and/or the Web Hooks functionality. Centralpoint core, when available, will allow any existing site or project (managed within .net) to be switched (by site type within the server) to utilize 100% CORE. Visually, there will be no difference to the UI or expectations of how the project or site works, but the inner workings of how it is served will be radically different. The primary differentiator will be within Forms. relating to how they interact with other systems, increasing interoperability.

Sat, Nov 15, 2025