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Centralpoint Update 8.0.15

Date of Update: Monday, June 8, 2009  
  • Two new instance methods, RandomNumber and RandomString, have been added to the application based Management class. The old Page and Utilities.General versions of these methods have been removed and all references have been updated to use the new Management versions. This change has been made to prevent duplicate random numbers from being generated by separate instances of random number generators called within the same second.
  • All SQL bulk copy implementations have been updated to include “using” statements to ensure proper object closure. They have also been reviewed and implement the new Management.Locker to protect against synchronization issues when deletions are followed by bulk copies.
  • All client script registrations using the script manager have been updated to reference the current page as opposed to the current control to prevent duplicate script and style inclusions when the same control is included on the page more than once.
  • Development / Errors modules have been enhanced including additional error details and grid and update features in the Uber console.
  • Development / Utilities / Application Trace now also manages the compilation mode and custom errors elements in the web.config file. When enabling the application trace the compilation mode is set to debug and custom errors are turned off. This will allow module designers to turn on tracing while working on module views and see real error messages on the site. It will also aid Oxcyon developers when debugging live sites.
  • Master / CMS / Navigation has been updated to prevent changes to the selected module after the navigation item has been submitted. This change was made to prevent issues introduced when the document XML contains a different ModuleId than the navigation record.
  • The web site version numbers have been updated to include a fourth number that keeps the sync count since the last update install or build. This number is most valuable when determining whether a site can be moved from one server to another.
  • Administrators and Limited Administrators will now see a new feature called “Restart Application” located below “Clear Cache” in the client console. This feature will restart the web site application not only clearing the console based cache but resetting all application variables and clearing all custom cache objects. It will also force the lead generation cache to be recorded to the database. The side effect of this feature is that the web site and client console will load more slowly until the site has been precompiled and the cache restored. This feature may also prematurely terminate long running web site or client console processes.
  • The query string variable used by Admin / Error Messages / 404 Redirect has been changed from cpsys_error=1 to cpsys_redirect=404 to prevent the display of the word “error” in the query string. This variable prevents the system from entering an infinite loop when executing a 404 redirect set up in the Admin / Error Messages module.
  • The RTF Editor has been updated to encode script blocks when in design mode. This will prevent scripts from executing in design mode, therefore, will prevent client console JavaScript errors caused by editor scripts.
  • All Telerik controls have been upgraded to the Q1 2009 SP2 release. This includes the changes listed here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history/q1-2009-sp2-version-2009-1-527.aspx. We primarily utilize the RadEditor, RadSpell, and RadUpload controls.
  • Proper validation has been added to all module properties and configuration views available via the Page Options selector.
  • A new module property called “Browser Title Included Items” has been added to Site Architecture / Navigation. It is a checkbox list including the following items: Audience, Document, Module, and Site Map Item. It allows you to select which items are included in the browser’s title bar for all navigation items.
  • The Module Details View (#3) HTML has been updated to link to the canonical URL when accessed via a URL other than that specified by the Document Identifier module property for the current module. This has been implemented in accordance with the specifications outlined here: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html. The intention is to improve search engine optimization when the same content is accessible via multiple unique URLs.

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