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Centralpoint Update 8.0.17

Date of Update: Monday, July 20, 2009  
  • We now have the ability to populate a forms management control (text box, etc.) from a record in the database. First, the user viewing the form must be logged into the site (not anonymous). Second, the page must be loaded with the query string variable “fdid=GUID” where GUID is the DataId of a record in the site. Finally, the defaultValue parameter of the form control CpScript should contain the following value: cpsys_Constant:DataInfo:AttributeSystemName. AttributeSystemName is the system name of the attribute in the data document retrieved using the DataId passed in the query string.
  • The search control enabled from Site Architecture / Module Designer has been updated for compatibility with the order by, page size, and page controls. The query string based search has also been updated to support these controls.
  • The Module.Page class has a new event called LoadSearchCriteria to assist in the development of custom searches, and a new property called ResultsTitleStartsWith for alpha-numeric searches.
  • The web site “Clean Up” utility has been enhanced to remove orphaned sub-directories from the Uploads/ModuleViews folder. This folder occasionally contains folders that are orphaned by deleted records in Site Architecture / Module Designer.
  • The “Grid Disabled Checkboxes” module configuration is typically used to prevent users from deleting specific documents. The delete button on the details view of a document is now disabled when the document’s DataId is included in the grid disable checkboxes module configuration.
  • The JavaScript alert that informed users when their browser does not support PNG transparencies has been removed. The consoles uses PNG transparencies and may display differently in browsers that do not support them. IE 6 does not support PNG transparencies.
  • We can now detect rewritten paths in Site Architecture / Navigation / Page Type / URL. This attribute now supports root relative rewritten URLs that relate to files that don’t actually exist in the file system. You no longer need to use fully qualified URLs in this situation.
  • The Admin / Settings module has a new section called Machine Key. This section is used to manually set or dynamically generate View State and Decryption keys for the application. These keys are primarily used for encrypting form data and cookies. Please note that new keys should be generated using this tool whenever a new site is created from scratch. This change will prevent view state and “Client is disconnected” errors from occurring when the application is restarted and a user posts a form that was created before the application was restarted. It will also help us in the future to set up web farms.
  • The web services used to insert and update content have been updated to maintain the version’s creator and an accurate audit trail when called from the front end of the site.
  • The client console site map provider has been updated to resolve synchronization issues caused by multiple users logging into the same audience for the first time at the same time. These errors presented themselves with the message “An item with the same key has already been added.”
  • We added a new global control called Alphabet Navigation for use in Site Architecture / Module Designer. See the module designer help file for more information.
  • Forms Management has been improved to maintain the historical versions of a document that is managed from the front end of the site.

See Full History of All Updates