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Centralpoint Update 8.0.20

Date of Update: Monday, August 24, 2009  
  • Master / CMS / Navigation has been updated to merge the system attribute collections in the default Attribute, Configuration, and Property displays. This means that when we add a new system attribute it is available for modification in the navigation item even if the module has never been re-submitted.
  • The Email Address attribute is now editable in all client console Users modules like Members and Site Architecture / Administrators.
  • It was discovered that the web site left hand navigation did not properly utilize or cascade its styles. We have made many changes to these controls to properly display the background colors, padding, links, and more. Due to these changes you may notice differences in the link color and text padding of your navigation items. The left navigation should be inspected immediately after the site is sync’d and any changes can be resolved using Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub.
  • A bug found in the screen scrape used to render the home page without the file path has been repaired.
  • Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub Nav have four new attributes each: Selected Background Color, Selected Background Image, Selected Font Color, and Selected Font Decoration. These attributes can be used to apply style to navigation items that are currently selected and the ancestors of the currently selected item.
  • The “Only On Home Pages” option in all “Visible” attributes in the Design / Styles module has been repaired.
  • The Color Picker used for many attributes in the client console has been repaired and now supports both a Web Pallet and RGB Sliders.
  • A bug in the login page has been repaired that prevented the login redirect from taking you back to the previously viewed document.
  • The module designer has been reprogrammed to retrieve the code path (Attributes.xml, MultiView.xml) from the code path of the current navigation item as opposed to generating it using the navigation item system name. The benefit of this is that it will cause modules that use the same code path to also use the same module designer attributes.
  • The Design / Styles / Left / Width attribute now supports an empty value. Leaving this attribute empty will cause the left hand navigation to dynamically resize to the width of the largest item within.
  • A problem has been resolved in the Advertising / Advertisers module which caused records with a Start Date set in the future to display before their start date was reached.
  • Advertising / Advertisers has a new attribute called “Show On Details View” that is only available when the Page Type is set to “Taxonomy Specific”. This attribute allows you to exclude an advertisement from the details view even when the related taxonomy is assigned to the document. This change caused changes to this modules relation and therefore will force the relation to be rebuilt during the next sync. You should manually monitor the next sync on any sites that have a large number of records in this module. If the relation rebuild is successful the records will appear normally in the module after the sync. If the records disappear from the module after the sync the module can be repopulated by an Oxcyon developer.
  • The Development / Errors module has been updated in all consoles including changes to the error reporting. Some of the changes include new web site specific errors that can be deleted from all consoles, and a Delete button on the details view. We’ve also added an Email button on the details view and cleaned up the email notifications. The errors reported to Uber now include additional details like state collections and more user information, and the Development sites no longer report errors.
  • Centralpoint.Web.Cms.User.Delete has been overloaded to support a new parameter named “filter”. This parameter allows custom user imports to delete a subset of users before executing. The filter will be executed over cpsys_Users in the web site database and all string values should be properly encoded.
  • Web site backup creation has been updated so that when multiple sites are backed up and one backup fails the other site backups continue. The failed backup is also reported to Uber and to the Admin / Settings / Error Notification Email.
  • A bug in the Uber console that caused an error when the Articles RSS feed was retrieved without a ChannelId has been resolved.
  • Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners has been updated to support audience and/or role filtration when Advertising / Ad Tracking / Zones / Audience Filtration Enabled and/or Role Filtration Enabled is set to “Yes”. Enabling these features may have a negative effect on your sites performance when used with a large number of banners.
  • The Admin / Properties / Google Maps API Key attribute has been added. It is currently used in the Marketplace module suite.
  • We’ve added a new attribute called “Taxonomy Category Children Visible” to Site Architecture / Module Designer / Home View (#1) / Taxonomy Display / Categories. It allows you to hide the children and show only the parent taxonomy types on the modules Home View (#1).

See Full History of All Updates