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Centralpoint Update 8.0.21

Date of Update: Monday, September 14, 2009  
  • A site property has been added at Admin / Properties / Web Site Default Page Redirect with two options: Standard (301), Screen Scrape (No Forms). The default value of this property will be Standard (301), meaning that all sites will revert to redirecting to “/Main/Home.aspx”. This change was made when it was found that the screen scrape implementation does not work with forms. If you have a site that does not use forms on the home page and they do not want the redirect, you can change this setting immediately after the site is sync’d. The redirect from the default page to the home page was also changed to a 301 redirect.
  • Web Site (Data) Roles: The entire implementation of roles selected using the Roles attribute in standard modules in the client console has changed.
    • The role system name has been removed from the URL everywhere in the site. The system URL is now formatted as follows: /AudienceSystemName/SiteMapItemSystemName[/DocumentIdentifier].aspx.
      • The Public and Private role system names are still supported in the URL for backward compatibility.
      • Search and replaces should be executed after the next sync to remove /Public/ from the content of each web site. The following searches should be executed using Development > All Modules and Site Architecture > Module Designer, because the latter is not a standard module.
        • For each audience in your site you should search for “/AudienceSystemName/Public/” and replace it with “/AudienceSystemName/”.
        • For each audience in your site you should search for “/AudienceSystemName/Private/” and replace it with “/AudienceSystemName/”.
        • Search for “RoleInfo” and if it exists as a part of a CpScript the reference should be removed. Pages no longer have a concept of a current role, therefore, the RoleInfo CpScript will no longer work.
      • The systems URL generation tools have been rewritten to generate the new system URL.
      • All custom URL references have been individually rewritten to utilize the new format.
    • The system login and logout features have been updated to only set the users authentication status instead of setting the users current role. All references to a user’s current role have been removed from the system.
    • The role names have been updated to more adequately display the system roles and their special functionality.
      • Everyone: All Users
      • Public: Logged Out / Anonymous Users
      • Private: Logged In / Authenticated Users
    • Authenticated users will now also see a combination of all of the content posted to any of the custom roles to which they have access. For example, if a user has access to the custom roles Sample 1 and Sample 2, their navigation (and content) will display data posted to Everyone, Private, Sample1 or Sample2 when the user is logged in (authenticated).
      • The IsInRole SQL function references have been updated accordingly.
      • CpContent’s role filter generation has been updated using the new implementation. All references to this method have been reviewed and rewritten where necessary.
      • CpCache has been rewritten to only cache public content. Private content is no longer cached because it is different depending on the current users roles. All direct references to CpCache have been reviewed and rewritten where necessary.
      • The standard module Home View (#1) taxonomy display containing content has been rewritten to filter and cache appropriately.
      • The web site search has been updated to implement role filtration appropriately for single module search and multiple module searches.
      • All references to module abstracts have been updated to utilize role filtration appropriately.
      • The resource HttpHandler has been rewritten to utilize role filtration appropriately.
    • The Role attribute has been removed from the Site Architecture / Home Pages because all audiences must have one and only one home page. They cannot have different home pages based on the users roles or authentication (logged in) status.
    • The site map has been redesigned so that there is only one site map per audience. This site map is filtered to display a different navigation based on the current user’s permissions.
    • Site Architecture > Audiences > Company has a new attribute called “Accessible Roles”. This allows you to designate that an audience will only be accessible to users with a specific role or roles. This will cause the filtration of the AudienceMenu CpScript and will force users visiting inaccessible audiences to be redirected to the login.
    • The page security and the initialization of context items have been rewritten. Navigation items, documents, and audiences are now verified using the new role implementation and users without the appropriate permissions are redirected to the login.
    • Design > Styles: The Role attribute in this module has been limited to Everyone, Public, and Private. This was done to support client side caching of the style sheet for performance reasons. Each audience can now have a one design (Everyone), or separate Public and Private designs.
  • When the Integration Id attribute is used in a module, a document can now be accessed with the following URL: /AudienceSystemName/SiteMapSystemName.aspx?iid=IntegrationId. This is primarily utilized in integrations like Staywell to prevent URL translation to auto numbers. The canonical URL meta tag is also properly implemented in this scenario.
  • Development > All Modules (AKA: Admin > Search All Modules): Has been updated and now includes working Delete Records, Search & Replace, and Attribute Changer features.
  • Database modifications have been made to support the Survey Manager module suite.
  • All Site Map related modules (Site Architecture, Site Architecture > Home Pages, Site Architecture > Navigation) have two new attributes which are hidden by default using module configuration: Browser Title & Navigation Display Name. Any sites that have submitted custom module configuration in any of these modules may see these attributes by default due to their customizations. The old attribute “Name as it appears on site” attribute has been renamed “Title” and will be used when values are not entered into “Browser Title” or “Navigation Display Name”. The title attribute is also used as the title in the page content when the Page Type attribute is set to HTML.
  • The “Audience Display” selector in standard module grid views has been modified. When a selection is made it filters the records by audiences on which the document will display as opposed to audiences in which the document is editable. This prevents a problem where you could not use the selector to filter by the Main audience because all records are always editable in the main audience.
  • The Media Manager popup within the editor now displays the “Click here to replace the file associated with this resource.” link when the administrator has access to the Design > Media Manager module.
  • Attribute names displayed in the form view of all modules are now underlined when the attribute name is linked to a help file (Tool Tip URL).
  • You can now change your Account Settings > Personalization > Display System Names to “Yes” to see attribute system names in parenthesis after the attribute name on standard module update pages in the client console: “Attribute Name (AttributeSystemName):”. This personalization option also enables audience, taxonomy, and role system names in the standard module selectors.
  • Uber now treats HttpRequestValidationErrors by automatically posting them to the web sites error console. These errors protect the sites from attacks and can be reviewed in the web site console to determine the number of attack attempts or accidental occurrences that can be avoided.
  • It was recently discovered that if a user disables the audience navigation item using the Site Architecture > Audiences > Console Navigation attribute, they may not be able to enable it again. To remedy this problem we’ve added a backdoor into the audiences module for Ancestor Admins only. If you are an Ancestor Admin and you visit “/Console/Audiences.aspx?sitemap=off” you will see the audiences module even if it is disabled in the current audience console.
  • All Users (Members, Site Architecture > Administrators, etc.) modules in the client console have been updated so that administrators can initialize other users passwords. Users who are ancestor admins or in the role “Admins” can set or change a users password and choose whether the initial password is stored in plain text and/or email to the user.
  • We’ve increased the command timeout used by the search on the client console module list (grid) view. Previously, this search timed out after 1.5 minutes and it now has 5 minutes to complete. This change is required only for “All Attributes” search over modules containing a very large number of records.
  • The web site cleanup process executed in the sync and manually using utilities has been enhanced with more debugging tools. Due to these new tools we have improved the file permission monitoring and timeout values.
  • The module selector utilized in Site Architecture > Module Designer and other modules has been updated to include the System Name “Name (SystemName)”. This was added because we have a few situations where the same name is used for two modules that appear in different places in the navigation.
  • The ImportBatch method developed for custom imports now supports data from multiple modules within a single batch. This will make custom imports more efficient, and will be beneficial for future tools that utilize bulk imports.
  • Forms Management now has the ability to use a format string in the FormStat CpScript.
  • Dynamic Scripts has a new ‘Video’ feature. This can be found in ‘Fields’ tab. It will allow you to specify what attribute in your module is capable of uploading a video file. It will then auto-detect what it is and show it in your scrip accordingly.
  • New module ‘Media’ located at Content > Media. This new module picks up where Video Library has left off. It enables you to manage any sort of media files and display them automaticaly. This new module can phase out ‘Video Library’
  • New CpScript called ‘MediaItem’ that works with the new Media Module. It allows you to pass it a LegacyId or a DataId and return a single media item. This can be placed anywhere on a site. See the Scripting help file for more details.
  • New CpControl ‘RelatedMedia’ that works with the new Media Module. This control will work in the Module Designer on any module. Allowing you to display links to the media items or display the actual media items. There are many different ways to display the data. Please see the Module Designer help file for further information.
  • New CpScript ‘TaxonomyList’ that takes a taxonomy system name, and the module system name and will display all the children of the taxonomy type specified in a list of links. Please see the help file for more information.

See Full History of All Updates