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Centralpoint Update 8.0.25

Date of Update: Monday, November 30, 2009  
  • The sync, update installation, and restore processes have been updated to use an App_Offline.htm file to take the sites offline instead of using IIS. This permits us to use display a message while the site is offline, and will allow the site to successfully sync when it is not set up properly in IIS.
  • Additional error handling has been added to the scheduled sync to help determine the cause of failed scheduled syncs.
  • All 301 redirects have been updated to use fully qualified URLs to help search spiders access the site.
  • The installer program has been enhanced to run faster, be more informative, look cleaner, include more accurate progress notification, and handle errors better.
    • The old installer will no longer work and should not be used.
    • The new installer will only work with version 8.0.25 and later.
    • Includes support for host headers with the master web site in IIS.
    • The installation package download has been removed from the package and can even be done manually. To speed up the installation you can manually download the latest installation package from http://www.aranon.net/Uploads/Updates/Centralpoint_v8.*.*.zip. Manually create the Centralpoint folder and place the installation file within before running the installer program.
  • Changes have been made to the Activation, Deployment, Update, Backup, and Restore processes so that Centralpoint can be installed and run in a dual server environment. These processes now all support a new Master > Admin > Properties attribute name “SQL Server to Centralpoint UNC Path”. Running Centralpoint with a separate SQL server may speed up sites, but it will slow down these and other process based on network permissions, speed and interference.
  • A bug has been repaired in the Site Architecture > Module Designer module that caused an error to be displayed when a record was submitted by a user who did not have access to the related module.
  • A bug has been repaired in the Media popup displayed from the RTF editor. It only occurred when a new file was uploaded and the Select button was clicked on the upload view which caused a system name to be generated and used without validation. If the same system name had been generated 10 times previously it would cause a duplicate system name and an error message would be displayed. Now, when a duplicate system name is generated, the user is redirected to a view allowing them to manually change the system name and prevent the problem.
  • A bug has been repaired in the console grid view search over automatically generated id fields that caused an error to be returned when the keywords were not a valid GUID.
  • New items have been added to Admin > Template Gallery for commonly used forms and the creation of a marketplace dashboard.
  • The Dynamic Scripts CpScript now supports format strings (e.g. format='<div>{0}</div>')
  • Marketplace Comparison is completed and ready for use.

See Full History of All Updates