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Centralpoint Update 8.3.17

Date of Update: Monday, June 25, 2012  
  • A new GlobalStyleSheet property has been added to Centralpoint.WebSite.StyleSheet which is the page base class inherited by all system style sheets. This property has been utilized by the Dynamic Navigation style sheet to prevent the inclusion of global styles which are already registered by the site type style sheet. This property must be set during the PreInit phase of the page life cycle.
  • Design > jQuery UI Themes: A time stamp has been added to the query string portion of the CSS file URL to force browsers to clear their cache when the theme is modified.
  • A new RegisterUnmanagedScriptInclude CpScript has been created and is recommended for registering all custom JavaScript files. It will work in any attribute that supports CpScripting, but is most commonly needed in Header Elements and Scripts attributes. Regardless of where these CpScripts are entered they will always register the client script include after the system client script includes. Using this CpScript will also allow Centralpoint to be more aware of custom JavaScript files, and better predict and prevent potential problems.
  • Styles, Scripts, and Startup Scripts attributes have been added to the Admin > Properties module under the Header Tags attribute. These attributes can be used to add styles or scripts to every page in the site.
  • A content filter has been added to the RTF editor which will change all FONT elements to SPAN elements and apply the font settings using CSS.
  • The Survey Results page has been updated to correctly filter total responses.
  • A default value was added for Design > Dynamic Navigation > Dynamic > Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset.

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