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Centralpoint Update 8.3.9

Date of Update: Monday, February 27, 2012  
  • The Admin > Error Messages > Type = 404 Redirect feature has been updated so that it no longer appends the cpsys_redirect=404 query string variable to the URL. To prevent an infinite loop, the system now blocks redirects when the current URL, which caused the 404 error, exists anywhere in the Error Messages module as the Redirect To URL. This will prevent all redirects that COULD BE the result of another redirect as opposed to preventing redirects that ARE the result of another redirect.
  • The Admin > IP Manager and URL Redirect modules have been updated to improve efficiency by preventing lookups on web sites that are not using these modules. Please ensure that there are no active records in these modules if they are not in use.
  • The Admin > IP Manager > Action attribute has a new Redirect option. It can be used to automatically redirect users that access the root URL of the site to a specific audience and/or site map item within the site.
  • The fields query string variable has been updated to include the taxonomy query string value when executing a fields search. Previously, the taxonomy portion of the search was excluded because a form state version of the fields search supports a custom taxonomy search.
  • A new DefaultValue Data Transfer CpScript has been developed and documented in the Data Transfer help file. It is designed to insert the existing value via a CpScript when updating existing records. It is most useful when appending to an existing value.
  • A new ExtPasswordStrength Extender CpScript has been developed to display the strength of a password as it is typed into a form text box.
  • A new RegisterJQuery CpScript has been developed to register the JQuery library to the page. This is preferred over registering manually using a JavaScript include because it prevents the library from inadvertently being registered more than once.
  • The SponsoredSearches CpControl has been updated to include Publish Start Date, Publish End Date, and Display Status filtration.
  • The SearchTerm CpControl has been updated to include a new SelectionMode property. When the selection mode is changed to Multiple the control will display all search terms as opposed to only one.
  • The Video CpControl has been updated to support FLV files.
  • The DynamicJumpMenu CpScript has been updated to utilize the Target attribute included in all standard modules.
  • A new ExtWatermark CpScript has been developed to add a watermark to an existing form text box control.
  • The SurveyManger CpScript has been updated to include a new ButtonText property.
  • The Generic Enhanced modules have been updated to include geo coding. A new Geo Codes Address Template module property has been added to determine which generic attributes define the address used to generate the geo code.
  • A new MailToLink CpScript has been developed to generate a client site mailto email link.
  • The Province attribute has been added Marketplace Directory module relations for use on the Results View (#2).
  • The FormTextBox CpScript has been updated to include a new Enabled property.
  • The standard file upload control has been updated to support files with an EPS extension.

See Full History of All Updates