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Centralpoint Update 8.4.54

Date of Update: Monday, October 27, 2014  
Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Website Password Expiration property has been created. It is designed to work with a new Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks > Job called Expire Users Password. When this scheduled job is configured in the master console it will use the property to find users who have not changed their password within the provided number of days. These users will have their Locked Out and Password Change Required attributes set to Yes. This can be used to force the user to change their password during their next login attempt.
Design > Media Files A new Light Box option has been added to the Style Options attribute.
Design > Styles A vulnerability in server side validation of Comments forms displayed when Global > Drop Show is set to Yes has been repaired.
FormHiddenField CpScript This script now supports new cpsys_RandomString and cpsys_RandomComplicatedScript constants in the DefaultValue property.
FormState CpScript A new SqlEncode property was added. This property must be set to true when a form state CpScript is used in Design > Data Sources > Attributes > Select Command within single quotes in a SQL filter. It is designed to prevent XSS and SQL Injection which is possible when filters are generated from form fields or query string variables. Example: PhysicianDirectory.LastName = '[cp:scripting key='FormState' id='LastName' SqlEncode='true' /]'
FormUpload CpScript A caching issue in the client console related to Resources uploaded using this script has been addressed.
HtmlNavigation CpScript Renders an HTML navigation list (ul) including all first tier items (li) and descendants as nested lists. It was designed to provide an audience specific raw HTML navigation which can be formatted using a client side plugin.
PasswordHistoryValidator CpScript A new forms management validator script used on change password forms. It is intended to ensure that a user does not change their password to one that they have already used.
Site Architecture > System Pages The Account Activation tab has been updated to include a new Enable Password Rules Validation attribute. After enabling this feature you can enter a custom password validation regular expression and error message.
Surveys > Questions This module now supports 30 answers per question.

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