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Centralpoint Update 8.4.57

Date of Update: Monday, January 5, 2015  
Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Web Site Login Lockout After attribute has added and is disabled by default. When it contains a value and the user enters an incorrect password that number of consecutive times, the user's account will be automatically locked out. The lock out is achieved by setting that user's Members > Details > Locked Out attribute to Yes. Their account will remain inaccessible until it is manually re-enabled via the client console. This feature only applies to user accounts created within Centralpoint.
Canonical URLs The system has been updated to automatically generate a canonical meta tag on all navigation and home pages in addition to standard module details views. A canonical meta tag is generated when the left part of the URL in the address bar differs in any way from the URL that the system would generate. This includes casing which should help to improve publicly accessible site SEO.
Form CpScript The property FormInfoStartPage was added. This optional property will start the form on a specified page if the fdid querystring is used and is a valid Data Id.
Master > Web Sites > [WebSiteName] A new Change System Name feature has been added under Aliases. This feature is only available when the current user has Personalization > Display System Names = Yes in their account settings.
RelatedData CpScript This script has been updated to automatically convert the Audiences and Taxonomy column GUIDs to their related Audience or Taxonomy Names.
SavingsCalculation CpScript This new script can be used to display the difference between two numeric attribute values. It is typically used with ecommerce prices on in the Details View (#3).
UserInfo CpScript The AttributeSystemName property has been updated to support related modules. By adding :RelatedModule:[ModuleSystemName]:[RelatedAttribute] to the attribute system name you can retrieve that attribute from a record which relates to the user instead of the user’s record itself.

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