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Centralpoint Update 8.6.0

Date of Update: Tuesday, October 13, 2015  
Site Architecture > Module DesignerThe default values have been updated when creating new records related to the Generic Enhanced and Navigation modules.
DashboardModule CpScriptNew DisplayEndDate, DisplayStatus, and DisplayAudiences properties have been added control the display of elements on the grid view.
Data Transform > Data Sources & Dynamic ScriptsA new Carousel option has been added to Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options and Dynamic Scripts > Details > Formatting Options. It supports 2D and 3D versions of a "carousel" where images will appear to be spinning in a circle to the user. 2D and 3D versions of "flow" where images will be lined up in the background and have the current image pop up in front. A 2D Basic mode which flips through the images one at a time. And finally a "Hero" mode which lets you have a image on the left and a chunk of text on the right.
Design > StylesThe following new attributes have been added to the Icons tab: Edit Record, Delete Record, Add New Record, Review Record, Mobile Phone Icon, and Mobile Menu Icon.
FormState CpScriptA new EmptyValueDelimited property has been enabled. If it is set to Yes the EmptyValue property should contain a list of values comma separated values. All of the values in this list will return an empty string if it matches the value of the form control.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScriptThis script has been updated to support a comma separated list of values in the ParentTaxonomy parameter. This allows you to group taxonomy by additional criteria.
ResourceDragAccordion CpScriptThis new script has been created to create a dynamic accordion display of resources. They are organized using Design > Media Manager > Grouping > Groups, and can be dragged and dropped into editors.
FormUniqueFieldsValidator CpScriptThis new script can be used to ensure that the combination of two provided fields is unique in a specified database table.
DashboardSaveAndNewFormButton CpScriptThis new script can be used to create a form save button that will save a dashboard record and open a new one. The button determines how it will function based on the value selected in the Members or Administrators > Personalization > Display Save+New Button selection.
MembersNew View Comments, Show History and Show Notes Between Editors attributes have been added to the Configuration tab.
DashboardEditRecord CpScriptThis new script will disable a form Submit button if the current member does not have front end access to the current audience.
RenderScriptBasedOnValue CpScriptThis new script can be used to execute either a DataSource or Users script based upon a value in a property of the script. All other properties of the script will be applied to either the DataSource or Users script.
Procedure Manuals > PoliciesThis custom GetPoliciesInManual method has been updated to accept an XML parameter where you can specify the ManualId.
FormsThe General > Page Type = "Module Attributes" client console attribute has been updated to address an issue with nested attribute switches. An issue has also addressed been addressed when creating Resource FormUpload CpScripts from "Module Attributes". The General > Completed = "Redirect" > Redirect URL attribute has also been updated to support the cpsys_Audience constant.
Design > Media ManagerA new tab called Grouping tab has been added. It contains a single Group attribute which refers to an keyword list that supports custom keywords in each web site. This attribute can be used to group resources for custom rendering via scripting and data sources.
EducationCertificateLink CpScriptA new Landscape property has been added to render the PDF in Landscape as opposed to Portrait orientation.
CpControl ProximitySearchHandlerA new UseFullAddress property has been added. If it is enabled and the Form IDs are in use the search will use the full address as opposed to the zip code only.
FormAudience CpScriptA FilterByAccessibleAudiences property has been added to only display the Audiences that are accessible to the current member on the front end of the site.
Site Architecture > NavigationA new Translated Attributes module property has been added. It can be used to select the navigation attributes that should be translated as the site map is built. You must click "Restart Application" in the client console left nav to see Site Architecture > Translations changes made to affect the navigation due to advanced caching for performance.
Data TransformThe Data Transfer module in the client console has been renamed Data Transform. Copies of the following modules have been created as children of the Data Transform module: Design > Data Sources, Data Transfer, Members > Dashboards, Design > Dynamic Scripts, Admin > Search All Modules, and Admin > Syndication. New XML Conversion and File Output modules have also been created as children.
Forms > Forms WizardA Required Field Error Message property has been added to all form fields that can be required on a form. Also all CpScripts render only the properties that are required for it to function. An issue was also addressed when unchecking the checkbox for Populate User Info and the DefaultValue of CpScripts still being populated. The loading screen image has also been changed to 50 percent of its size, as well as fixes to pop-ups that were not firing in certain situations. Formatting has also been added to the Data Source output to be more manageable. Spelling errors in UI were corrected. RtfEditors are now showing in Data Source Report without the text cpsys_EditorHtmlEncoded: in front of the value.
Design > Data SourcesThe Select Command Builder > Styles > Grid View option has been updated to include a new Link To Title attribute. It can be used to automatically link the title of the record to the record details view.
Data Transform > File OutputThis new module has been created to generate customized documents from template documents.
Stats > ClicksThe Port attribute stored under Page Options... > Show/Hide Properties has been changed from a SmallInt to an Int.
Admin > SettingsA web.config clean up utility has been added after the configuration settings are saved with the minimal property to ensure that required elements like compilation targetFramework="4.5.2" are retained.
Centralpoint InstallerCentralpoint now supports installations on the following server configurations: Windows Server 2008 & SQL Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2014.

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