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Centralpoint Update 8.6.30

Date of Update: Monday, December 19, 2016  
Feature Summary
NavigationTier CpScript A new MenuHoveredClass parameter has been added. It is applied to the parent LI on hover and only works with Menu.
ExtClickTracking CpScript This script has been updated to exclude links with "file:" in the path.
Marketplace ResultsIcon CpControl This CpControl will display either the Featured Icon or Enhanced Icon from Design > Styles > Icons based on the Package a Marketplace Directory record is in.
FormState CpScript The ReplaceWith parameter has been updated to support new cpsys_CurrentDomain constant which will be replaced with the current page scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) and hostname (www.domain.com): http://www.domain.com/.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display An issue was addressed when Tab Type = jQuery Accordion and multiple jQuery Accordions render exist on the same page.
HtmlImg CpScript A new ReplaceEmptySrc parameter has been added. When this parameter contains a value and the image source is empty the provided value will be used instead.
Data Sources A new Support Attribute CpScripts attribute has been added when Formatting > Formatting Options = Excel File.
Client Console Tools A new Tools category has been added to the client console and contains utilities as separate navigation items.
Development > Utilities A new Run Initialize Stored Procedure utility has been added. This utility triggers the cpsp_Intialize stored procedure as if a new site is being created.
Development > Web API This new module can be used to create and configure a Web API. Each record in the module relates to a single Web API method. It contains attributes to secure and execute all of the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) methods necessary to develop a typically user interface and also contains options for My Module and custom Web API method development. The module help file and attributes themselves contain detailed instructions on how it is used.

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