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Oxcyon & Centralpoint in the News

Search Results:  2019 (2)
Results 1 - 2 of 2
Oxcyon Releases Automated Document Retention Policy Management

Posted: 10/28/2019

Oxcyon has released it's Document Retention Policy Management tools which can be installed On Premise or in the Cloud to monitor your many silos which contain private data. These Retention Policies instruct Centralpoint how frequently to scan your silos, based on specific criteria (around each retention policy). When Centralpoint finds these records (in Oracle, Sharepoint, File Folders, 3rd party providers (like ADP, Paychex, and Workday), it will capture, alert your team. Once these are approved for arc...

Oxcyon Releases AI Assistant

Posted: 1/9/2019

Oxcyon releases it's AI (Artificial Intelligence) Assistant empowering Centralpoint users to extend their knowledge management to other web based applications. This contextual sensitive avatar can be controlled by Centralpoint to live within any third party application, allowing the right information to serve each user when it is needed.

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