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eForms Management

Centralpoint supports forms to documents, allowing data collected on any form, to generate all of the documentation your users need. This form below, when filled out, will return you a link to a formatted document (using Centralpoint Document Shells). This means that any paperwork you need created can now be electronically managed. These forms also support workflow and approval. Your clients could literally create their own brochures, proposals, anything....and notify your staff as soon as it is created. Go ahead and fill out the form below, and you will find the link to download your newly minted (web to form) document on the thank you (results) page. 

Fill out the form below to convert your data into any document type. Once you submit it, you will see your values converted via Centralpoint document shells (templates.). Centralpoint makes it easy for you to manage your many document templates, and dynamically generate all of the paperwork needed

SAMPLE FORM ON OXCYON.COM for users to convert Forms to DocumentsForms
eForms ManagementNavigation Navigation Module eForms ManagementNavigation

Schedule a Demo!

Our team will set up a live,
High Fidelity Prototype of your project
to prove our capabilities (including
ingesting some of your sample data) at no cost.

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