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Oxcyon completes Integration Windows Integrated Security

CLEVELAND, Oh. -- Oxcyon, a leading provider of enterprise content management and Portal solutions announced today that it will be developing a new way to authenticate site users....via Windows Integrated Security.

"The Global Login SSO module we have today needs to be updated to consider full integration with Windows Integrated Security. This move takes Centralpoint beyond content management, and catapults it deep into portal and enterprise management, which clients desperately need," says Samuel Keller, CEO of Oxcyon. We expect to be releasing this new authentication function by the end of first quarter, 2013.

He goes on to say..."Oxcyon follows a simple rule...Listen carefully to what your clients want, and deliver it. This is what I refer to as VOC (Voice of Customer), and it guides everything we do.  I am grateful to our clients who have patiently shared their experience with us, showing us their need to integrate with Windows Integrated Security, so that our development team could create something better. As Mr. Henry Ford once said, the only competitor to fear, is one who is committed to continuously improving and enhancing their product....look out Sharepoint".

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