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Oxcyon Releases New Physicians Directory Module

CLEVELAND, Oh. -- Oxcyon, a leading provider of enterprise content management and Portal solutions for Healthcare announced today that they have completed development of their Physician Directory Module, empowering healthcare organizations and insurance providers to manage a singular set of physician records, able to be served to individual user types, based on their roles.  This module has the ability to be integrated with Credentialing systems, to automatically populate the module, and they be designed to serve different users, based on their security roles.

"We found that hospitals and insurance providers alike need to manage a core physician directory, but needed to serve different information to each user based on their access level and roles," says Sam Keller, Oxcyon's CEO and President. "The design of this module, is like all others within Centralpoint, granting the access of each field, and layout, based on the user's right accessing it" Let's face it, the web strategy up until now has been to try and serve redundant data sets to different users, when all clients need to streamline how they manage and serve their information." "With Centralpoint our clients can reduce cost and redundancy by streamlining the flow of information from a singular point."

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