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You need more than a just a CMS or Portal

You require more than a mere content management system or portal. What you need is an omni-channel platform that can connect with everyone, no matter where they are. You need a readily available Digital Experience Platform that can be deployed both On Premise and in the Cloud. You need Centralpoint.

You need a versatile platform to reach all members, regardless of their role or device. Centralpoint's unique Architecture caters to everyone – employees, customers, partners, suppliers – all in one platform, saving you time, money, and hassle.

Who read specific policies and when? Who passed the online test after watching a new how-to video? How many sales reps downloaded the monthly sales report, and who didn't? How do we integrate survey results back into the CRM? How can a client's address change automatically update the billing systems? How do we trigger email alerts for users of 'x' product? These examples demonstrate demands "beyond" content and define a User Experience Platform (UXP). It's more than content posting; it's about streamlining information flow. Considering the end game leads to a feature punch list, available (out of the box) in our Module Gallery. In other words, we're already there. Opting for the wrong CMS, as most clients do, often means starting over.

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Schedule a Demo!

Our team will set up a live,
High Fidelity Prototype of your project
to prove our capabilities (including
ingesting some of your sample data) at no cost.

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