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AI Languages and Tools

AI software has different requirements from other, conventional software. Therefore, specific languages for AI software have been developed. These include LISP, Prolog, and Smalltalk. While these languages often reduce the time to develop an artificial intelligence application, they can lengthen the time to execute the application. Therefore, much AI software is now written in languages such as C++ and Java, which typically increases development time, but shortens execution time. Also, to reduce the cost of AI software, a range of commercial software development tools have also been developed. Stottler Henke has developed its own proprietary tools for some of the specialized applications it is experienced in creating.

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AI Languages and Tools, AI software has different requirements from other, conventional software. Therefore, specific languages for AI software have been developed. These include LISP, Prolog, and Smalltalk. While these languages often reduce the time to develop an artificial intelligence application, they can lengthen the time to execute the application. Therefore, much AI software is now written in languages such as C++ and Java, which typically increases development time, but shortens execution time. Also, to reduce the cost of AI software, a range of commercial software development tools have also been developed. Stottler Henke has developed its own proprietary tools for some of the specialized applications it is experienced in creating.,