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Become a Partner

Oxcyon is proud to offer various partnership opportunities that span from referral agreements to comprehensive private-label OEM go-to-market strategies. By aligning with us, you can enhance your consulting or integration practice by introducing Centralpoint to your clients. As a superior and intelligent alternative to technologies such as Sharepoint, Oracle, Sitecore, Adobe, Open Text, and IBM, Centralpoint stands out.

Our unique offering includes a High Fidelity Prototype, where we develop a functional proof of concept for your clients at no cost to them prior to making any commitments. This allows you to do more than simply propose a collection of disparate applications; you can actually demonstrate a complete and cohesive Digital Strategy to your clients. In an industry where consultants often follow their clients' lead, Oxcyon and Centralpoint can enable you to take the lead, providing digital leadership that helps your clients achieve their objectives more efficiently.

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Schedule a Demo!

Our team will set up a live,
High Fidelity Prototype of your project
to prove our capabilities (including
ingesting some of your sample data) at no cost.

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