AI Guided Knowledge

Many corporate leaders are well aware of the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI), with projections suggesting a potential contribution of up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. However, the challenge lies not in recognizing AI's power, but in effectively implementing it across their organizations to maximize its value. The "how" of deploying AI, a common obstacle when adopting emerging technologies, remains a pivotal concern. Crafting an AI strategy, sourcing AI-capable personnel or training current staff, preparing data for AI utilization, and ensuring the reliability of AI systems are all pressing questions. Complicating matters further, each company's solutions often differ, and the dynamic nature of the AI landscape adds complexity. Nonetheless, companies cannot afford to delay, as AI adoption is gaining momentum, a phenomenon acknowledged by Oxcyon for any business entity.

First and foremost, it's crucial to underline the term "Artificial." This underscores the need for specific, organization-tailored instructions to trigger precise information for particular users within defined circumstances. Prior to commencement, the platform must be educated about these rules, effectively setting the stage for content delivery triggers. While we do offer support in rule setup, we empower our clients to continually expand upon these rules, enhancing system intelligence with each addition. Additionally, in certain instances, integration with external systems is feasible to enhance the stimulus-response loop; an example is integration with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System like Cisco or Genesys. This system allows user input via touchtone or voice commands (via VoiceML) to query back-office databases or Centralpoint, presenting a comprehensive array of records, answers, or contact details based on the user's identity and request. Typically, this information is presented to a Customer Service Representative, facilitating better caller service within your organization.


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