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Centralpoint Update 8.1.0

Date of Update: Monday, August 8, 2011  
  • All Centralpoint sites will be automatically upgraded to ASP.NET 4 (http://www.asp.net/LEARN/whitepapers/aspnet4) during the update installation. Before installing this update you must ensure that the .NET Framework 4 is installed on your web server and that ASP.NET 4 is Allowed via IIS’s Web Service Extensions. Please disable your server's auto update via the Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks module if you are concerned with this upgrade or would like more time. Your site’s web.config file will be automatically backed up in the Backups folder before it is modified. If you have added any custom httpModules or httpHandlers in any Root/web.config file you will need to manually add them back after the update. The update will also modify IIS to place the Master and Development sites in a new app pool called cpsys_Default and all other web sites and consoles in one called cpweb_Default. These new app pools will be created using the settings applied to the Application Pools folder in IIS. If you had a custom app pool configuration, you’ll have to ensure your app pools are running only ASP.NET 4 sites first, and then reapply them manually after the update.
  • Due to the ASP.NET 4 upgrade, all My Module developers will have to upgrade their Visual Studio 2010 projects to the .NET Framework 4. Just right click the project and select Property Pages. Then select Build in the left navigation and change the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4. Click OK to apply your changes, save the Visual Studio project and restart Visual Studio. You may also choose to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you are using an earlier version of Visual Studio you should either upgrade or develop by dropping files into the editor, but without using a project.
  • The Hidden Attributes Module Configuration has been updated to support Attribute Switches. Attributes that are controlled (hidden and displayed) by other attributes can now be hidden using module configuration.
  • Data Broadcast has been updated to include locks to prevent a broadcast from being queued again when they are queued or running.
  • A new FormDomainValidator CpScript has been implemented for use in forms management. It is intended to provide a list of acceptable domains for an email address FormTextBox.
  • Development > Utilities > Clear Search Terms has been added to remove all recorded search terms for the selected module.
  • A new AudienceHomePageLink CpScript has been developed to create a link to the home page of the current audience.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has been updated to support a new PackageDataIds property. This property supports a single PackageDataId or a comma separated list. When populated the CpScript will only display the taxonomy tree on the specified packages.
  • The Generic Plus modules have been updated to support the EndDate column in the module designer’s Results View (#2) > Item Content.

See Full History of All Updates