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How do I fix Maximum request length exceeded. Error in Data transfer

Posted Date: 9/7/2023
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Troubleshooting: Maximum Request Length Exceeded Error
Issue: If you encounter the following error message while using Data Transformation with Console Utilities:
ERROR: There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded

To resolve this issue, you need to update your Console web.config file to allow for greater content length, request length, or execution timeout. These values are specified in kilobytes (KB) within the web.config and are responsible for controlling file size limits for transfers, and how long they are allowed to run. By default, the console web.config sets a limit of approximately 4 MB (4000 KB) per file transferred. If you need to adjust these settings, we recommend adding the code below during these steps:
  1. Locate your Console Web.Config file. Path Example: Centralpoint\WebSites\cpweb_Website_Name\Console .
  2. Open the Console Web.Config file in a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE).
  3. Insert the following suggested code snippet see below into the Console Web.Config file just above the line that reads
       <location path="AllModules.aspx">   

 <location path="WebServices/Utilities.asmx">
      <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" executionTimeout="3600" />
          <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2147483648" />

After inserting the code, save your Console Web.Config file.
Additionally, consider clearing the cache and restarting the application from the client console to ensure the changes take effect.

In the recommended increases provided in the above code snippet, you are making the following adjustments:

maxRequestLength: This parameter sets the maximum request size for each file in KB. In this example increasing it to 1048576KB is 1 GB. Max Value : 2147483647 (2TB) but NOT RECOMMENDED, for performance.
executionTimeout: This parameter defines the maximum time in seconds that the job will run for before expiring. Increasing it to 3600 seconds is 60 minutes. For longer running jobs, update accordingly.
maxAllowedContentLength: This parameter sets the maximum content length in bytes. In this example increasing it to 1048576KB is 1 GB. Max Value : 2147483647 (2TB) but NOT RECOMMENDED, for performance.

By making these changes, you increase the allowance for individual file sizes, execution time, and content length, which should help you avoid the "Maximum request length exceeded" error. If you continue to experience issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team for additional guidance.

Keywords: Maximum request length, Data transfer, Console Utilities, web.config, maxRequestLength, maxAllowedContentLength

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