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Custom Tenants

Posted Date: 5/3/2023
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This example demonstrates custom Tenants filtration. Tenants filtration will render and secure content appropriately based on the logged-in user's property values.

  1. Go to: Console > Admin > Properties > Web Site Audience Filtration & Security to get started.
  2. Be sure to read the help file prior to development.
  3. It will be easiest to download the starting files to begin from scratch.

This completed example does the following for a website user.

  1. Restricts content to users based on their user record's TenantsA selections. Users will only have access to content assigned to the same TenantsA selections. If a user has no TenantsA selections they have access to all tenants.
  2. Restricts content to users based on the content having a relationship to the user. When content is assigned a user, only the assigned users are able to view this content.
using Centralpoint.Web;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;

namespace Centralpoint.WebSite.Custom
    public class Tenants : Centralpoint.WebSite.Tenants
        public Tenants(CpCollection properties) : base(properties)
        public override string TenantFilter(string tableName, User user)
            if (user == null) user = Management.User;
            //HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("TenantFilter: TableName", tableName);
            if (!this.IsEnabled(user)) return "";
            var prefix = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName) ? String.Empty : tableName + ".";
            var sites = user.Properties.GetAndSplit("TenantsA");
            var siteFilter = TenantsFilter(prefix, "TenantsA", sites);
            var userRestrictionFilter = RestrictedToUsersInDataCurrentFilter(prefix, user);
            //  HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("siteFilter", $" AND {siteFilter}");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteFilter))
                HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("Custom.Tenants:1", $" AND {userRestrictionFilter}");
                return $" AND {userRestrictionFilter}";
            var filter = $" AND {siteFilter} AND {userRestrictionFilter}";
            HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("Custom.Tenants:Filter", filter);
            return filter;
        private string TenantsFilter(string prefix, string attribute, string[] selections)
            var dataIds = new List<Guid>(selections.Length);
            foreach (string selection in selections)
                if (selection.IsGuid(out Guid dataId)) dataIds.Add(dataId);
            if (dataIds.Count == 0) return ""; // users with no selections have access to all
            var noneFilter = $"({prefix}DataId NOT IN (SELECT dcdc.DataId FROM cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent AS dcdc WHERE dcdc.AttributeSystemName = '{attribute}'))";
            var dataFilter = CpContent.DataIdAttributeFilter(attribute, Guid.Empty, false, prefix + "DataId", dataIds.ToArray());
            return $"({noneFilter} OR {dataFilter})";
        private string RestrictedToUsersInDataCurrentFilter(string prefix, User user)
            return $"({prefix}DataId NOT IN (SELECT uidca.DataId FROM cpsys_UsersInDataCurrentAttributes uidca WHERE AttributeSystemName = 'RestrictedTo') OR {prefix}DataId IN (SELECT uidca.DataId FROM cpsys_UsersInDataCurrentAttributes uidca WHERE AttributeSystemName = 'RestrictedTo' AND AttributeUserId = '{user.UserId}'))";
        public override bool IsInTenants(DataInfo data, User user)
            if (!this.IsEnabled(user)) return true;
            var userAccessibleSites = user.Properties.GetAndSplit("TenantsA");
            var hasSitePermissions = GetGuids(userAccessibleSites).Count == 0 || this.IsInTenants(data, "TenantsA", userAccessibleSites);
            var hasContentRestrictedToPermissions = HasUserMetRestrictedToRequirements(data, user);
            HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("Custom.Tenants Security:  User Has Site Permissions | User Has Restricted To Access", $"{hasSitePermissions} | {hasContentRestrictedToPermissions}");
            return hasSitePermissions && hasContentRestrictedToPermissions;
        private bool HasUserMetRestrictedToRequirements(DataInfo data, User user)
            var restrictedToUserIds = GetGuids(data.Attributes.GetAndSplit("RestrictedTo"));
            if (restrictedToUserIds.Count == 0) return true;
            var isPermittedUser = false;
            foreach (var x in restrictedToUserIds)
                if (x == user.UserId)
                    isPermittedUser = true;
            return isPermittedUser;
        private List<Guid> GetGuids(string[] dataSelections)
            var ids = new List<Guid>();
            foreach (var x in dataSelections)
                if (x.IsGuid(out var id)) ids.Add(id);
            return ids;

Keywords: Tenant Filtration

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